Let me clarify up front…I am a Gator Hater!!! I am an unashamed, proud Georgia Bulldog’s fan and under normal circumstances would pull for any team that played our border foes, however on Thursday night, things changed for me. We’ve all most likely heard the promise made at the press conference, if you haven’t I embedded the video here…
Tebow is passionate about football and about winning, but he is more passionate about Jesus! On Thursday night, I found myself pulling for, not the Gaytors, but Tim Tebow. I found it amazing that the game announcers could not even talk about Tebow without talking about his faith and his off the field missions work. There was no seperating Tebow from his faith. Now I know there are groups of Christians who act like Christianity should almost be on the down low, as if we were living out a covert faith life. I do understand the desire not to be identified with the cheesy Christian-ease that some enjoy, but I believe the early Christians would take issue with the idea that we should live out Christian principles but only talk about Christ if someone gives us the opportunity. Their lives were all about Christ and they preached the Gospel to everyone they had the opportunity to do so with. I see that with Tebow, he is all about Christ. Some people would not pull for a player just because he is a believer, however when someone will put all of his or her fame and reputation on the line to live their life absent of self and for God’s honor, it makes me want to pull for them.
When most college students are partying and wasting their spring breaks away, Tebow is taking the free time he has to share Christ with a disconnected people across the ocean. Tebow made me think of the first Christians on Thursday night when the announcers could not seperate the faith from the man. Francis Chan talks about in Crazy Love…The early Christians never called themselves “Christians” – it was people outside the faith that first called them “Christians” because their lives reflected Christ. As you can see in the video, Tim Tebow is on a mission to be successful and to win at the game of football, but I know that he is more interested in being on a mission to see lives changed through the Gospel of Christ.
There are thousands of Christians in college football, but I have seen none who are as vocal or as passionate about Jesus as Tebow. I believe God allows people to rise to certain levels on a national stage, not because they have followed the principles in Your Best Life Now, but because God knows He can trust them to use it and not abuse it. You will never see Tebow in his game gear without a scripture under his eyes or a praise for his Savior from his lips, and as long as he is surrendering his spotlight to allow Jesus to shine, I believe He’ll continue to be given the opportunity to excel in what he does. His life reflects what Psalm 115:1 says, “Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.” I believe it is people like Tebow who can spark a passion for Christ in an entire generation! So, Thursday night this Gator Hater, cringed and celebrated a man sold out to Christ hoist a National Chapionship and a MVP trophy in victory in hopes my Bulldogs can allow him to demonstrate overcoming defeat next season 🙂
Join the Conversation: Thoughts?
Great post! I like it alot…love the Chan deal too. Great stuff!
I have never been more proud to call myself a Gator fan as I have been since we signed Tim Tebow. Even my husband (who is as passionate about the Bulldogs as you are) has been reluctantly pulling for him. Not the team of course, but the man leading it. It is so refreshing to see someone chase after Jesus with the passion and intensity that he does on a daily basis. I look forward to seeing what God has planned for him in the coming years!
i totally agree. we’ve really taken some time to introduce who tebow is as a person to jett. he loves football and loves great atheletes… it’s been great for him to be able to see an athlete like tebow with similar values as his parents. usually i’m telling him some athlete is a thug and a bad example (it’s the mom in me), glad we can use tebow as a positive one! 🙂
Tebow is a leader all the way around, personally I don’t care for the Gators (or the Bull Dawgs) but he is the man.