In this CNN video, a soldier recalls being shot numerous times by the Terrorist who killed 14 people and wounded 30+ others at Fort Hood last week. He tears up towards the end of the video as he recalls other soldiers who assisted him in getting to safety. Sgt. Kimberly Munley was the civilian police […]
Revolutionary Change Globally
One of our core values at New Passion is to create Revolutionary Change through our Local and our Global Influence. As I get the opportunity, I like to celebrate what others are doing to create revolutionary change in their sphere of influence. I’ve had the opportunity to meet Jon Acuff a couple of times at […]
Hope in Despair
We kicked off our new series yesterday “There’s An App for That” – Cyndie one of our vocalists shared her story after the message before the closing song about her hope in despair during a recent scary event in her life. If you don’t want to watch all of the music, the intro video, and […]
I Consider Love as Wealth
I met today with George Robertson, the pastor of First Pres, where I work my day job. I asked him if he came across anything of value for a new, young pastor in his reading to feel free to recommend it to me. He immediately grabbed something from his desk and said he did have […]
Under Construction
Last night I was driving back from the Bloggers Meet-up in Atlanta with Billy, when I had a typical thought that comes to my mind as I drive through Atlanta. “I’ve never been to Atlanta when they have not been doing some type of road construction” – Or at least that I can remember! If […]