For just a short period of time, Jesus was a rock star. The Bible tells us through many stories in the Bible that there were times where Jesus would come to a town and it would be so crowded that the people would press in on him. There was the time that the friends had […]
Complimentary Brains
The battle of the sexes will probably forever exist. Everyone has a position and an opinion. Some believe that men and women are 100% the same, except for in their reproductive parts and therefore are equal in value and worth, and then others believe that men and women are uniquely designed and intrinsically different, even […]
Do Hard Things
Last Sunday, at New Passion, we concluded a 6 week message series titled, “All In” which was directed at those in the church that claim to be followers of Jesus. Today, I was reading through My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers and decided to catch up on some of the devotions that I […]
Why Does My Child ALWAYS Respond with, “Good”?
We’ve all been there. The kids climb into the car as we pick them up from school and our immediate question for them is, “how was your day at school?” And it seems to never fail, everyday, year-after-year we get the same response, “good.” In his book, It’s Better to Build Boys than Mend Men, […]
I started reading, “It’s Better to Build Boys Than Mend Men” by S. Truett Cathy Chapter One shares these disturbing facts about fatherlessness in the United States: The Results of Fatherlessness: The United States is the world’s leader in fatherless homes. The results of our actions, according to the Father’s Manifesto: 63% of youth suicides […]