North Point Community Church Circa 1996 North Point Today: Oh how things change! I wonder where I’ll be in 14 years….what New Passion will look like?
The Martyr’s Oath
Could You Sign This? Saturday I went to the Fight Club X Conference put on by the Acts 29 Network. The opening speaker was Dr. Samuel Thomas, President of Hopegivers International, an organization that rescues orphans and at-risk children in India and provides food, shelter, education and training to share the Gospel throughout the country. […]
ESPN My Wish: Jeffrey Buzzell
I saw the video this morning for ESPN’s My Wish series (embedded below). It featured a wish by 15 year old Jeffrey Buzzell, Jr., who is suffering from Alport’s Syndrome. In ESPN fashion the story is very touching and very good. Jeffrey’s wish was to race go-karts with Dale Earnhardt Jr.; he got more than […]
When Relationships Trump Ego – A Lebron James Story
I was happy when the Lebron James decision came last night. I couldn’t even turn on the news without seeing a report about it or being told to go to their website to answer their poll on where I thought he would go. Now, here I am diving into the conversation. Just to get it […]
Messy Church
“Everyone has hurts, habits, and hang-ups.” – Rick Warren If the above statement is true (and it is), it means that every church is messy. I’ve heard the above statement used and abused. For some its a convenient cliche and used as false self-deprivation to give an appearance that one relates to people in their […]