…about new sister and Jesus.
Gavin was in the bathtub at MeMaw’s house yesterday and here was their conversation (some of which is not exact word for word being that it was told to me, but was totally unaided and unprovoked…straight from a 5 year old’s brain & heart to his lips):
Gavin: “We need to go get Hailey a balloon and a blue balloon from the store.”
MeMaw: “Ok, we can go get Hailey a balloon, but why a blue one?”
Gavin: “The blue one is not for Hailey, its a thank you balloon for Jesus.” – “We can send it up to him to tell him thank you for giving us Hailey!”
I am so thankful that I have a 5 year old son who already has a heart to please Jesus. I was speachless when I heard the story, and as MeMaw told the balloon lady, she began to cry. Needless to say, I was blessed with a brand new Beautiful daughter this week, but I have already been blessed with two awesome sons, for which I cannot thank God enough for. We always hear how God will ‘open the windows of Heaven and pour us out a blessing’ and so many times people automatically think of financial blessings, but I know that it does not always come in the form of finances (that would make things a lot easier) but it comes at times like these conversations, becasue I would take a son with a heart for Jesus over all the riches in the world.
If the video comes out ok I will post it so you can see Gavin pray before he sends Jesus his ballloon.
Nick, that’s great! You’re doing something right for your son to say that, what a blessing 🙂 Congrats on the new daughter as well!
aww… that melted my heart… Gavin is such a sweet boy. Tristan too… they are both going to take such good care of that little sister, I know.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is older he will send thank you balloons to Jesus 🙂
~auntie K
Dude, that’s awesome. Praise God.
awww i love that kid…and yes that is def a true blessin..yall are deff a blessed family I LOVE YA”LL!!!
Like father like son and just like Jesus is with God your is the same with you What a blessing and some day I will hopefully meet you all at Crosspoint
Son, that is precious. That Gavin is a wonderful child. We look forward to coming up Sat. to see Hailey and the boys. Wow, another granddaughter, that is awesome. I just know Jesus loved his balloon. I have a feeling, it made it all the way to HIM, don’t you? We love you son and your precious family. We are proud of how you raise them to love God.Nicki can’t be beat.
Love you always and forever, mom
Gavin made Jesus happy with his heart of grattitude.He is teaching the adults an important lesson. –grammy
@Larry – Thanks!
@KB – It melted my heart as well.
@Jason – Thanks!
@Koya – A comment without a lol?
@Andy – Thanks! It would be nice to connect with you.
@Grammy – Thanks mom…love you too!
How touching. My eyes welled up with tears because so often we as adults forget to thank Jesus for things he does for us, but children never do. What a proud father you must be. congratulations again
Congradulations. God Bless You. Hope to see you soon. Sylvia Carns