One of the biggest steps of faith I’ve ever taken was to start New Passion Church. Since last November when I knew this was the leading of the Lord and that if I did not follow I’d be disobedient, I am continually reminded that this church and this whole movement of Christ known as the church is so much bigger than I am.
I’ve blogged before how it would be nice at times to have a flashlight so I could simply see what lies ahead of me. How will we get the money to afford this project? How will we have enough people to serve in this environment? Will people even show up? I type in the context of New Passion Church because it’s the most recent BIG faith act I’ve embraced, so everyday I’m living in the reality of that act. There have been times my personal life that my questions consist of ‘how are we going to pay for this bill?’ or ‘will this relationship ever be mended?’ – I believe that God always calls us to a faith that’s bigger than ourselves. I truly believe if we can wrap our arms around it or if we can control it, the journey that we are on or the decision that we are making is not of God. That’s why the E in our HEART is that we value Embracing Faith Bigger than Ourselves.
We looked at the story of Samuel, Saul, and Jonathan from 1 Samuel chapters 9-14 yesterday and from the scripture we saw how God always calls us to a Faith that #1 is Bigger than Ourselves #2 that Requires our complete Reliance on God and #3 that always completes God’s plan. – The Christian journey is a faith life, it is full of uncertainty. You cannot have faith without uncertainty…that’s why we don’t get the flashlight. Instead he gives us a blindfold.
Last week, we talked about how Religion allows us to set obtainable goals that we can reach on our own, therefore making us feel spiritual. If we can reach it on our own, we have no need for faith or a reliance on Jesus. Hebrews 11:6 say’s it is “impossible to please God without faith.”
Join the Conversation…Are you trying to control the outcome of your situation? Or Are you reaching out and embracing a faith that’s bigger than yourself?
I am definitely in the midst of embracing a faith that is bigger than I can imagine. This recent flood in ATL has brought my heart to a new place, and I feel a stirring inside that I never have before. I can’t wait to see where God leads me with this. And yes, it is definitely a blind-fold situation. But that’s part of the excitement, right? 🙂
.-= kristen green´s last blog ..kristengreen: Family that I connected with through #HopeATL is in need of a car seat. Let me know if you have one to give. I will even pick-up! #atlflood =-.