Here’s a little video to entertain you for the next 60 seconds. Kind of makes me think of a 60 second video Bible drill. One of my former students sent it to me on my MySpace Account:
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.1477444&w=425&h=350&fv=m%3D40696338%26type%3Dvideo%26a%3D0]
Click HERE for more videos by Barats and Bareta
Join the Conversation: What’s Your Favorite Story in the Bible? Or, What is Your Favorite Book of the Bible?
My favorite book has always been Daniel and my favorite story is the one about the Warrior Ehud…he was the left handed warrior that stabbed King Eglon in the stomach and his fat swallowed the sword. (Judges 3) – I am left handed and I’ve got to support my left handed brothers!
Loved the video!
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. My favorite books of the Bible are Acts, and James.
I love Barats & Beretta but I had never seen that video.
This is one of my favorites by them. I laugh my head off every time I see it
I love Barats & Beretta but I had never seen that video. Too funny!
I am all about some 1st and 2nd Samuel.
My favorite book is Luke.
My favorite bible story is Elijah and the prophets of Baal.
Great video– passing it on so thanks for sharing…
Favorite Story? Job or Jonah– When I am feeling self righteous or “How Could You Let This Happen, God?” then Job… when I am feeling Disobedient and like running in the other direction- need a gentle reminder that this kind of thing never turns out well, then Jonah – especially the part about the vine growing…I love that picture of God’s care for even the “wickedest” of people–also good for when I’m feeling smug/judgemental I suppose…
That’s a great little vid. Thanks for sharing Nick!
I have always loved the story of Joseph.