This is me in 16 30 years when Hailey wants to date, except I will probably be holding a gun. Oh, the joys of having a daughter!
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Join the Conversation: Anyone with a daughter out there? What am I in for? Has anyone been “the daughter” what do I need to know to look out for, to be sensitive to?
haha omg that is you lol and ill be the little kid not apart of the family puttin in my two cents lol
@ koya – you put in your two cents worth? Ha! That never happens 😆 – Actually I will be sending any guy to you for further review because I know you will do anything to protect my kids. – You’ve always been my defense minister.
I have two daughters. Fortunately I have been raising up their older brother (the protector of chastity) in the fine arts of bee taa guy, to take care of things when dear old dad ain’t around. As far as me, when my daughters get old enough to date (age 40) I’ll bring the young man in and sit him down. Be very nice and polite to him, and as he is getting ready to leave I am going to hand him a .45 bullet and tell him to put it in his pocket. Then I will tell him that everytime he thinks about touching my daughter to just pat his pocket, because I will have one just like it waiting for him if he does touch her. Or there is the classic, have a large dead animal hanging in the garage with the doorn open butchering it as he pulls into the drive.
@jalack – Those are all great ideas! I am writing them down 🙂
I have two sons who are older, one only by 2 years, so he will be able to keep an eye on her when dad is not around as well.
My daughter is 3 1/2 and she already started the “daddy if you love me” trick. The first time she did that I looked at her and said. “I do love you and the answer is still NO” Good luck.. 🙂
All joking aside. Having been the “daughter”, I think that in the heart of most little girls we want to know that our father’s find us valuable, that we are captivating, that we are worth far more than anything achievable. When it comes to girls, mother’s teach us how to behave, father’s teach us how to be treated.
@ Laura – Great insights.
I’m with ya nick. AMEN AMEN!!!
On my daughter’s first date at age 16, her father went into the backyard, dug a hole and left the shovel standing up in the dirt. When her date came to pick her up, my husband led the young man out to the hole, said, “If she’s not brought back in the same condition she left in, this is where your parents should send your mail.” Her 17 year old brother, without our knowledge, then proceeded to follow them to the movie theater, sat directly behind them after the lights went out, and grabbed the young mans arm when he put it around her, saying, “It’s your first date buddy, don’t touch my sister.” She hated them then, but now at the ripe age of 21 she says that the word got around quickly that Hallie’s dad and brother were psychotic so beware. It didn’t, however, get the boys from coming around, they just behaved better!
This is the second time I’ve read this post and I have to say I love Laura’s comments because they are so true.
My dad took me out on “dates” before I was old enough to date on my own. We’d go out to dinner, movies, anything that gave the two of us time out and away. We talked about life, interests, jokes just like on a “real” date. This was not the time my dad used to be my FATHER and and lecture me. Nothing like that was said. It was always uplifting and building.
I 100% recommend taking taking daughters out for “dates.” I hope my dad knows how much it meant to me that he took time out for me and treated my like a lady.