Today I have been blessed with 28 healthy, wonderful, sometimes trying years of life. I am sure there are days I would keep and then there are days and decisions I would like to trade in, but my biggest regret is that these 10,220 days have gone by so fast! The older I get the more I realize that life is not about me, its about (as my friend Shane has phrased it) “Loving Jesus, loving others, and pursuing both!” Bottom line, its about Jesus and about people. Today, in recognition of the day I was given life, I am going to donate blood at a local blood drive to give three other people life, I thought that would be fitting for the day…
I know you all were going to Fed-Ex or UPS me a gift once you realized it was my birthday (insert sarcasm here), but instead of sending me gifts, I am asking that you honor me on my birthday by helping my friend Neely bring her daughter home, by buying a bag of coffee or an “Adoption Rock’s T-Shirt.” All profits go to pay for her child’s adoption. While you are there, pick up a couple of extras for late Christmas gifts 🙂 For information on purchasing the coffee CLICK HERE for information on purchasing a t-shirt CLICK HERE. Thank you for honoring me on my birthday by helping someone else!
Once you’ve purchased a bag of coffee or a t-shirt, I would love for you to leave a comment to let everyone know which one you bought so those who didn’t will feel guilty 🙂
Nick my man! Happy birthday dude!
I want you to know how lucky you are. Most of the time I only find out about birthdays days or weeks after the fact and have to wish belated birthdays. But not for you! I’m right here on your b-day to wish you the best birthday wishes any blogger could wish!
So happy birthday man. Enjoy your day. Tell your wife to give you a big old hug and to say it’s from me (whatever she chooses to do beyond that is between you and her and is definitely NOT from me)
happy LATE birthday to you!
btw….your new blog looks great!!!!!