Happy Birthday to my little man, Tristan! He turns 2 today! We celebrated last night at Chuck E Cheese with a few family members and had a blast. Thankfully the rides Tristan enjoys weren’t the most popular…it was CRAZY!
Tristan is a personality in himself. He totally demonstrates how two children can be so different. He and his older brother are worlds apart. Fortunately they get along great, both demonstrate their love for each other and for their new sister Hailey. Tristan is wild and crazy and into everything, but he has that special little look that helps him slip by trouble from time to time. One of the most special things that I love about Tristan is his little (but big) hugs. He runs up to us, wraps his short arms as far around our shoulders as he possibly can and then starts patting our backs (usually the top of our shoulders because he has short arms). Its one of the cutest things I’ve ever experienced…he is so genuine. He recently started to learn how to pray when we eat together, he roughly says Jesus, Thank you, Food, and AMEN! He says Amen really good.
So once again, Happy Birthday buddy! Love Mommy and Daddy.
(Click Photos to Enlarge)
God Bless you for going to Chuckie Cheese!!! My kids were 6 and 4 before I went. It didn’t help seeing that CSI were the “bad man” was in one of those…
Happy Birthday Tristan!!