If I had to rank my three favorite Christmas movies they would have to be (but not necessarily in any order) 1. The Christmas Story 2. Its a Wonderful Life and 3. Elf
I love Elf, its one of those movies I could watch multiple time all year. Here is one of my favorite clips from Elf, I love the part where Will Ferrell asks, “Does Santa know you left the workshop?” Classic! Enjoy this video and then Join the Conversation and tell us what your favorite Christmas movie(s) is? Merry Christmas!
I love ELF too, and especially this scene… oh!, and the one where he is with the store santa….
took the kids to see Bedtime Stories tonight as part of their Christmas… it will go on the DVD shelf eventually… good movie!
Merry Christmas Bro! Give your family my love and lots of extra hugs and kisses from all their cousins/niece & nephew
We love you!
“National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” is up there at the top of the list for me! “Elf” is definitely in the top 5. Don’t forget about “Die Hard” and “Home Alone”! I can watch any of those over and over and over…