I was eating lunch with Jonothan, our worship leader, yesterday and he mentioned something I thought was pretty cool. So, since Jonothan does not blog and he just tweeted for the first time yesterday, I think I’ll post this myself. I like the way our people at New Passion think…it is scary what God can do through our church, if people will simply step out and follow what he is leading them to do.
Jonothan was talking about some of the books of the Bible he has been reading lately and mentioned that he noticed how Paul would travel to the various churches and would share what was taking place within the other churches, he would send encouragement from the other Christians that he was with at the time to those he was writing letters to. An example can be found Here and Here.
Jonothan mentioned that it would be a great ministry for someone to go around to other churches, spend time with them, and to find out what God is doing in their churches, not to copy them, or to enact their strategies, rather so they could come back to their home church and share the good news with their fellow believers. I believe it would be just as important and powerful to know how to pray for those other churches as well. Someone would not have to physically go to the churches, with Skype, Twitter, email, and phones, we could easily connect with a contact within the church that could speak for their body.
It’s funny. We’ll get on the internet and see what series another church is doing. We’ll go to conferences to see what new strategies and philosophies we can enact. But, if we can, we’ll take it and claim it as our own. I’m not pointing the finger, I’ve done it myself. However, I am trying to do a lot less of it. I want God to do new things through me and through New Passion, so I don’t want to bottleneck us where we are so reliant on doing what everyone else is doing. I think we as a church need to be willing to share what God is doing all over the world, through other churches. If it’s truly not a competition we should be willing to encourage our believers with what God is doing with the believers next door and in the next town.
Anyway, no telling what will ever come of this idea. I think it was a great thought. It’s definitely something new. I don’t know of anyone else who is taking time or giving space to spotlight what God is doing in other churches, but we sure like to brag on ourselves.
My husband was out of blood pressure med. last Sunday. It was originally filled at Walmart, so the bottle had a Walmart label. His pressure was dangerously high and Walmart pharm. was closed-so he went in and asked the CVS pharmacy to fill it. She with attitude told him “this is a Walmart bottle.” He told the lady Walmart pharmacy was closed. She told him she could not fill it being it was from Walmart . He asked for one pill to hold him over and she did give him one. It seems she would just let him die because it wasn’t from her store.And..I imagine she shops at Walmart and does not get all her needs from CVS. Churches can be that way. “We can only meet your need if you come to our church.” Otherwise, you are on your own. I like Jonathans thinking too. We are all in it for the same reason (soul saving). Just like CVS should have shown care, not attitude.
This is like an epiphany to read this! It’s right up the same alley of where my sister & I were heading in networking for the cafe!! wow!! Surreal!! This needs to be discussed in much greater detail. I want to be part of “Encouraging the Church”!!