Today, is my 40th Birthday, which means I have actually completed 40 years of life. I was thinking the other day about some of the things I’ve learned so far, or some of the things I have grown to appreciate, so I thought I’d share some of them here with you.
- Jesus is King. My life belongs to Him.
- Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus alone. Don’t allow people to trap you in legalism or in performance based religion.
- My wife and children are the greatest earthly treasures God has ever given to me. I am a wealthy man because of them.
- You must be friendly in order to have friends, but just because someone is friendly doesn’t mean they are your friend.
- Actions DO speak louder than words. Show me, don’t just tell me.
- The end goal is worth the hard work: I can only expect to receive what I put into something whether relationships, career, knowledge, etc.
- Be who God created you to be. Don’t be a cheap imitation of someone else.
- People will hurt you, but Jesus never leaves or forsakes you.
- Forgive quickly. Forgive frequently. Forgive indiscriminately. Extend radical grace.
- Always do the right thing, even when it doesn’t make sense or immediately benefit you. Both blessing and consequence are typically delayed.
- Always remain teachable.
- Find a mentor. Find a coach.
- Don’t allow anyone to hold you back, not even yourself.
- Not everyone will believe in you. That’s okay. You keep believing, and keep trusting the God who you belong to.
- Family is your greatest priority. Family is your greatest ministry.
- You won’t ever regret being generous and giving sacrificially.
- True love is revealed in how you care for people who can’t repay you.
- True character is revealed by what you do when no one else is watching.
- Self-Righteousness is unappealing. It’s equally as unrighteous as the sinner you might look down on.
- Every day is a gift. Not everyone has lived to 40. Not everyone is as physically able as God has allowed me to be.
- It’s an undeserved blessing to live in the home God gave my family. I never take it for granted and remember it was given to us in His perfect timing. One month later, we couldn’t have afforded it. Not everyone has a roof over their head, A/C & Heat, a comfortable bed, clothes, or a pantry full of food. I am better off than my parents were when I was a kid.
- God is sovereign.
- God repays evil. You don’t have to.
- You don’t need a lot of friends. One or two good ones will do.
- Dream big.
- Take risks.
- Failure isn’t final. Dream big again. Take even more risks.
- Choose to look for the positive in every situation.
- Negativity is a poison to your soul and pushes people away.
- God’s Word is absolute truth and will never lead you wrong.
- Find a great spouse and fight for the success of your marriage.
- Be honest.
- Talk to God. He is present and He hears you.
- “Keep it Kind.” – Kimberly Mullins. You can’t control other people, but you can choose to be kind.
- I appreciate the Christian home and foundation given to me by my parents.
- Don’t take people for granted, they won’t always be with you.
- You are entitled to nothing. No one owes you anything.
- As a Christian, remember what you owe God and how He saved you from it. Perspective changes our attitude.
- Some things are worth fighting for, some are worth dying for.
- I am saved to live for God’s Kingdom, not my own kingdom.
- Our measure of success is obedience – Shane Padgett
- Don’t take yourself so seriously.
- There is always more to learn….
Join the Conversation: What are some valuable lessons you’ve learned in your own?