I am always amazed at what Gavin, my 5 year old, can do. Especially when it something that I have never been able to do. Its funny if you take your eyes off of your kids for just a short amount of time, they can get create a mess like Tristan did HERE but when you turn your head, they could surprise you too! Gavin built this log cabin all by himself…funny thing is, I was bored the other day, these were sitting out and I tried to build one and I couldn’t! I was showed up by a 5 year old.
Join the Conversation: Brag on your kids a little today, what is something they do really well?
God has yet to bless my wife and I with kids yet but our 4.5 year old Black Lab Charlie is pretty stinking smart. He loves to play football and if you need to work on your basketball handle he plays a mean man-to-man defense. He is also incredibly sweet that my wife gushes about it all the time. If she acts like this about our dog I cannot wait to see what she thinks of our kids.
God created with sufficient knowledge to son and allowed him enter into the earth galaxy. we can able to see and witness the action of god throgh him. be praise the creator for his creation and allow his son to grow with his own tallent by providing basic needs.
Well, I don’t have kids, probably will never have kids but i have these guys. Giant Idiot, and 5th Street. And I think they are pretty darn smart too. They love all sports and are good on person to person defense, They both act like they are tough puppies when in reality they are huge puppies. Quick to sit, share and let you love on them!
I don’t have my own pet, or kids yet but my little brother John is amazing. He, at 16 enrolled in Augusta Tech following his dreams and pursuing culinary arts. He is as kind a person as any I know. Funny and outgoing. He works hard and is serious about giving God his best. John is very supportive of me, and truly is one of my best friends.
No kids for us either, but our border collie Mick is pretty bright. Sometimes I wish I had kid stories to share, but then I remember that requires 9 months of pregnancy, labor and delivery and a lifetime of commitment… I guess I’m not ready for that. 🙂