There are many feelings on both sides of the isle about New Year’s Resolutions. There are some who think they are stupid. I’ve found most of the time, those people cannot keep a resolution themselves, so they criticize the whole thing. I don’t blame people for not being able to keep a resolution, most of the time people get caught up in the emotion of things and they desire change so they ramble off a resolution. (Weight loss, home improvements, more charitable giving, etc.) Who can blame them? I’ve had people get caught up in the emotion of our launching New Passion, promise assistance, but they failed to deliver. I remember when I was younger seeing one of those videos of the children in desperate need of support for only $31 per month, I was all excited to sponsor a child, only to lose the packet when I got home. Who hasn’t made commitments or resolutions they haven’t kept? Then there are those who can’t wait until December 31 so they can present their list of things they want to resolve in their life. Some of them hold to it, while others do not. I don’t think resolutions are a bad thing. Scripture constantly reminds us to make things new. (God’s promise of a “new” covenant, David: “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.“, Jesus: “Look, I am making all things new”
Several years ago, I made a resolution not to make resolutions any more. Guess what? I’ve held to my resolution. I do however like to set goals for the coming year. I was looking back on my 2009 goals and I can comfortably say that I feel like I’ve achieved the goals that I set out. So here are my goals for 2010:
- To make Risk my drug of choice. Seriously, most things are not achieved without taking risks. (Check out this post from 2009 for proof)
- To be a better husband and father – Three major things that drive me to get others involved in our ministry at New Passion is as follows: 1. To get people serving where they are passionate 2. To provide relief to those who are serving weekly 3. To free up personal time where I can spend more with my kids. I hated hearing Gavin ask in 2009, “Daddy, why are you always on your laptop?” And then once he gave me a pretend ticket for $1,000 for being on my computer too much…Ouch!
- To continue learning – I’ve learned just how much I do not know in 2009. I’ve got a long way to go….
- To love Jesus and Others more – How can one go wrong if this is their focus?
- To be open for God to use New Passion in HUGE ways – I am not content in being an average pastor or having an average church. No matter how big or small we are, I believe if we are open to God’s plan, he WILL allow us to be a part of what he is doing, and there is nothing better to be a part of!
Join the Conversation…What are your 2010 goals or resolutions?
i have none. Don’t beleive in resoultions, except the one God made for my sin.
.-= Waney´s last blog ..So where did it go wrong? =-.