Nine years ago today, the most amazing and beautiful lady changed the story of my life with two small words, “I Do!”
Those two words sealed into history a love that’s never ending; even when we’ve felt like letting go, the love that we share held us together. I can’t count the stupid decisions I’ve made in my life and all of the wrong choices I’ve made, but one thing is certain and one thing is clear, asking Nicki to marry me was the best decision I have ever made, and at least I can always say I did one thing right! Our story has changed in many ways over the last nine years, together God’s blessed us with three amazing children who have taught us to love deeper and in ways we had never experienced. I am thankful God put our paths together all those years ago, and that today is just a reminder that we’ve just begun and that there are many pages to our story that has yet to be written.
Nicki, you are the greatest wife a man could ask for. Thank you for sharing the last nine years of life with me and for being a great mother to our children. I know you do a lot every week (college, your purse business, 3 kids, working at Cudos on the weekend, cleaning the house during the day, cooking dinner, helping me etc, etc, etc…….) but what is more impressive to me is that you do not complain and you do it with a personal sacrifice unmatched by many women. Thank you for doing all that you do selflessly. I look forward to next chapters of our story together 😛
Happy 9th Anniversary! I love you.
Congrats to you bro. Marriage is a great thing (thanks to God; since it was his idea)! Sarah and I will be married 5 years in March.
.-= Joey Faulk´s last blog ..Flood 2009 =-.
You are so sweet! I am the lucky one… I love you!