One of our core values at New Passion is to Embrace Faith that’s Bigger Than Ourselves. That statement would sound really cool, even if we chose not to live by it, but ever since I committed to following what I felt God was calling me to do in starting New Passion Church, that has been a motto of my life and our ministry. I believe that Christ has called us on a faith journey where we must always be reliant on him and his strength. I want New Passion to be the kind of church that has nothing to loose and everything to gain. I want us to be a church that is willing to take unimaginable risks, because without risk, there is no reward.
New Passion did not start as a “daughter” church of another church. No one came to me and said, “Nick. we desire to start a new church, would you be the planter for that church?” I only had what I knew to be God’s voice calling me out. We had no money, no equipment, nothing, but my family and a friend who agreed to be our CFO for legal reasons. A couple of months in we started asking some people to consider taking this journey with us and we had some agree, while others could not make the commitment. We were at a place where it would have been easy to declare that I was wrong and things were just not working out and I could have pulled the plug and looked for a staff position somewhere, but I held on. Some weeks later, I got a call from a friend who had planted a church a year earlier than us and he wanted to meet. When we sat down he said that his church, being small could not do a lot to help us, but they wanted to do anything they could, so they offered us a loan to help get things off the ground. I went and spoke to my CFO and my wife and a few people I trust (like my dad).
I’ve always heard DO NOT get a loan to start a church. Well, at the time, our sponsoring church did not know what they would do to help us financially and we did not have any other churches coming along side us. Here was one of my biggest crossroads as a new pastor. The loan was going to be interest free and we only had to pay back 10% of our offerings each month, with no deadline on paying the money off, but at the time, we were a small launch team with no guarantees even on a meeting place. This was my opportunity to embrace faith that was bigger than myself, or to look for a solution that I could wrap my arms around and see the outcome for. I don’t even think the few people on our team that was aware of the loan fully supported it, but I had to make the decision at this juncture of our church, and I signed the papers. Up to this point we’ve made two payments, until yesterday…
A couple of friends who own a business came to me and said that they made a commitment to see lives changed through their business, and once they got to a place where they could increase what they were already doing, they were going to find ways to impact the Kingdom. I got a call from one of them yesterday to see if I could meet them somewhere, so we decided to grab a quick lunch together. We sat down and they shared their heart with me about their desire to be used by God and then handed me an envelope. I held it and they shared some more and then asked me to open the envelope. I looked at them and they were smiling as big as a child on Christmas morning. They were so excited at the opportunity they had to make an impact in people’s lives. I looked at the check, and it was for the exact amount that we had borrowed from the local church. I was blown away and a little in shock!
There is NO way we would be where we are today as a church had we not taken a risk up front and embraced a faith that was huge at the time by taking that loan. I am excited to say that we are now debt free (as of next week when they get the final check) and 10% of our budget is freed up to do more ministry! But we are not going to get comfortable. That small risk was only to prepare us for bigger risks that I know lie ahead of us.
Join the Conversation…When have you had to take a risk in your life and saw how big God is through it?
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21
Nick, my wife and I along with seven other adults planted a church in 1996. You may have heard of our then 20 year old pastor, Pete Wilson. It was a faith walk like I had never experienced before or since. While Sherry and I still go to MCC, the beginnings of the church are where I exercised my faith the most and saw God the most.
Some words of advice from my experiences.
It will not be long before you and your launch team will be the minority in your church. Make sure you hear God now and set the path He has for you in stone until He speaks again.
Drink in these moments. They will be some of the best of your life.
Never, ever, get comfortable. Comfort most often means. Ok God, thanks for getting us this far but we are doing good enough now that we will take it from here. (You never really say that but when you look back your actions can sure say that is what you were thinking)
Remember the big two.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
(It really is that simple/hard)
Pray more than plan.
Look for God in the smallest of things and in the “smallest” of people.
God’s direction may look stupid to man and I mean that literally but if you KNOW it is from God do it without hesitation.
And finally and probably most importantly. Never take advice from commenters on your blog. 🙂
We’ll be praying for you and watching God bless your socks off.
.-= Harold´s last blog ..Isaias Gabriel – Making The Difference in the DR =-.
Amen Harold!
I’m learning that miracles always follow obedience. Can’t wait to see what miracles God does through your obedience.
.-= Pete Wilson´s last blog ..Running on E =-.