Here is a portion of the video where Octo-mom, Nadya Suleman, gets into a heated argument with her mom, Angela from an interview on (Click to View Video).
This is post is not an issues or argument about abortion or the killing and preservation of the embryos from Nadya. I want to focus on the attitude of both ladies.
I am shocked and amazed at Nadya’s attitude and tone towards her mom. For those who do not know all of the story, Nadya, and her previous 6 children were already living with Grandma Angela, and now Nadya has added 8 additional children (octuplets). I agree with Nadya that once she had the embryos implanted, it was too late, they were fertilized and were lives living within her, however, I don’t believe she was right by having the procedure done in the first place. She has no job, she has no home, she has no husband, and she has a ton of debt that she is now, basically asking for a bailout on. The procedure for the delivery of the 8 children cost tax payers well over $1 Million Dollars. Personally, I believe she has brought 8 children into a situation that is unhealthy, to provide a temporary fix for her control issues, and she has altered the lives of many others in between, including that of her mother, Grandma Angela.
With every interview, if it is edited, we only hear what we are given, so it is hard to understand the issue in context, however, I am amazed at Nadya’s attitude towards her mom, who provides for her and her now 14 children without any financial assistance from her daughter on behalf of her children. I do not hear an ounce of thankfulness from the part of Nadya. It really is a big mess. Once again, without getting into the issues of Abortion and preserving the Embryos (because that is not the isse) Join the Conversation and tell us who should be more upset and considered “justified” in their frustrations. Octo-mom, Nadya or Grandma Angela?
Nick, I’ve been seeing this on various places this morning and I’m so shocked. If I had ever talked to my mother this way, I’d have faced some SERIOUS consequences. Even now I would never talk to her this way! She’s my mother. God says I must HONOR her. I may not agree with her, but I honor her.
What I see here is a mother who has allowed her daughter to run her life more than she should have. Was it out of compassion for the six children? Was it out of fear? We don’t know these things, but we see this younger mom acting in ways that just make one cringe. Kinda makes 2 Timothy 3:1-5 come to life.
All that said, I think Grandma Angela should be more upset and considered “justified” in her frustration. I think she’s made some of this bed she’s stuck in, but I think she has every right to feel used and abused by her daughter. My prayer is that God will intervene and that these people will see Him and turn TO Him.
Well said Faye!
I totally see the grandmother’s point of view. She feels that her daughter is being completely irresponsible in her choice to keep bringing lives into the world with no plan or ability to provide for them. If Olivia grew up and elected to have that many, I’d be all for it as long as she and her husband had the ability to care and provide for for them financially, emotionally, and spiritually.
But the truth is, neither one of them are going to change or solve things by arguing. The grandmother has spoken her peace. She either needs to go her seperate way if she’s too bothered by it to stay involved, or love and support her daugher and those grandchildren regardless of her stand. Because pushing everything aside, those kids need her love.
This is a tough one.
I see exactly what you are saying too. I doubt Grandma is going anywhere, so they need to learn to live together because those kids need Grandma as much as they need mom.