I know people will disagree with me. I kind of count on it, especially after seeing the highly emotional, opinionated Facebook posts over the last 24 hours. Many of those posts have been by people I greatly respect. Don’t worry though, it won’t be the first time someone has disagreed with me. The good news is, I still respect those who I disagree with. Maybe they’ll return the favor!
I’m not jumping on the Outrage Train against Chick-Fil-A. I know, I know, I should, after all, they CAVED to the cultural pressures and the protestors that have hounded them for over 7-years, after the founder’s son, and company COO, Dan Cathy, made public comments supporting traditional, Biblically defined marriage. But, did they cave, really? If they caved, why did they wait 7-years to do so? Why not cave immediately, in the hottest part of the controversy? Why not cave two-or-three years after the protests began, especially once it was well known that the hate wasn’t going to stop?

Or, could Chick-Fil-A be telling the truth, when they claim that they are simply refocusing their charitable giving to three specific areas? And their support for the Salvation Army and FCA was not cancelled, but instead their long-term contracts had expired and they chose not to renew with those two specific organizations? Their tax statements show they had already given north of one million dollars to FCA and nearly $200,000 to the Salvation Army. But, I know what you’re thinking! “You mean, you want me to trust and give the benefit of the doubt to THE company that is known for being founded on Christian principles?” “The company that has weathered the protests and the hate for 7+ years?” “The company that still closes on Sunday (worldwide), even at the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium, in Atlanta, despite the huge financial loss to the company?” “What has Chick-Fil-A ever done that would lead us to do that?” Either character and reputation matter, or they don’t. Based on social media posts in the past 24-hours, I’m beginning to believe it is a lost value in our world.
It’s interesting that my fellow conservative and Christian friends who have spent the last two years relabeling the news media as the, “lame stream media” and “fake news” would immediately jump to conclusions based on news headlines and media narratives. The same media organizations that have been accused of posting dishonest news about President Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, and other conservatives are going to determine the narrative for you when it comes to Chick-Fil-A?
Some of my friends and acquaintances are simultaneously posting articles and videos about the presidential impeachment hearings, saying everything is hearsay, lies, and made up reports, all the while parroting the same media when it comes to Chick-Fil-A. We want the facts to speak for the impeachment hearing, so why not for Chick-Fil-A?
Here are the facts, that we know:
- No one from Chick-Fil-A has said they are pulling support from groups that support traditional marriage, and/or are anti-LGBTQ+
- The media and opinion “journalist” from both liberal and conservative leaning media have created the narrative that they have pulled their support for groups that are anti-LGBTQ+ Those media groups wrote the narrative for you.
- MOST of you had no idea these were two of the charity groups that Chick-Fil-A supported, until the news media told you, yesterday.
- Chick-Fil-A has not said that it will not support other groups, in the future that support traditional marriage or that the media labels as anti-LGBTQ+
- The media has wrongly labeled The Salvation Army as anti-LGBTQ+ and according to their own statement, they reject this label as well, offering services to anyone and everyone. This is 100% true. I worked there and had gay men participate in our CSRC Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program. When I left, the shelter was creating ways to ensure transgender clients had safe sheltering within their emergency shelter. We served clients with HIV/AIDS, without discrimination. Individuals from all walks of life and all identifications were served through the Salvation Army’s programs. The media nor the Salvation Army can factually claim that’s the reason Chick-Fil-A reallocated their charitable funds.
- All outrage is based solely on speculation about Chick-Fil-A’s motives versus verifiable facts.
We know that Satan’s first attack on God’s people was deception. He’s the master of twisting the truth into a lie. Do you know for a fact that the whole narrative against Chick-Fil-A was not an opportunistic attempt to finally cut the company down to its knees? Are you sure that as soon as the report was released about Chick-Fil-A’s changes in their charitable giving goals that the company’s enemies didn’t take the opportunity to divide their customer base against them?

It is plausible, based on the history of some media, and other advocates, that the report was released about Chick-Fil-A not renewing an expired contract with the Salvation Army and FCA, and the narrative was created that they were cutting ties with anti-LGBTQ+ groups. As the old saying goes, if you can’t beat them (with protests and boycotts), turn their supporters against them. Once again, Chick-Fil-A never gave this narrative as their reason for making changes to their support. They didn’t imply those reasons, or announce changes in their company values. So, who told you that? Some media organizations. Opinion journalists. And guess what, you bought it! You didn’t practice being quick to listen and slow to anger. You didn’t pause and wait to hear from the company that has earned the benefit of the doubt. You didn’t hold back your outrage until you read an official statement from the company that has a strong character. You based your opinion on what someone told you to believe about a reputable company. Is that the same methods you would want others to take when your character and motives come into question?
To date, nothing has worked to hurt Chick-Fil-A from the outrage mob…not this outrage mob, but the other one. So, why not divide and conquer? If that was their goal, they can consider themselves successful.
It’s the same attack I have heard conservatives claim the media uses against President Trump. If they can’t beat him, separate his supporters from him. Some of the same people who have made this claim and stand with iron clad support of President Trump, no matter what he does, now do the very opposite with Chick-Fil-A. Whose character should be questioned? Chick-Fil-A’s or theirs? Or, maybe yours?
What my fellow Christians and conservatives are saying is: Because the LGBTQ+ advocates don’t like specific organizations, and Chick-Fil-A has supported those organizations in the past, they are obligated to forever support those organizations, or they have caved to social and cultural pressures. Even though they supported them for several years, in total of over one million dollars.

At what point is Chick-Fil-A, a private owned company, allowed to refocus or reallocate their charitable donations, and not be considered caving? What’s your approved timeframe? Are they required to support those specific organizations indefinitely? I love when my freedom loving American citizens will question people trying to trample on their rights by asking, “Who are you to tell me how many and what kind of guns I can own?” “Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot say?” I love it! Well, who are you to say what charitable organizations Chick-Fil-A has to indefinitely support?
Maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this mindset is coming from a lot of Christians. After all, it’s this very mindset that has many churches on the brink of death: “We’ve always done it that way!” “We’ve always had this program!” The minute a pastor or church leader sacrifices a sacred cow for the sake of church health or greater effectiveness in spiritual growth, they are accused of compromising and all sorts of other false motives.
- I remember having to suspend a missions project where our church provided meals for under resourced children in our local area, through the public school system. It was a good program, but the ever increasing funds that it cost us to participate in that program handcuffed us from doing other important projects that directly affected the health of our church. Our motives of not caring for poor and hungry children were questioned at that time.
- Churches do this all the time, however. A new church plant will seek support from other churches to help get them started. A church, like our own, may support that new ministry for one, two, or even three years. After that allotted amount of time, the support ends, and the funds are reallocated to other missions or ministry projects. It doesn’t mean the church doesn’t care about church planting anymore, but instead it means there are other projects and ministries that the church wants to be a part of. Or, there is a new focus they want to give their attention to.
As a former employee of the Salvation Army, it’s good to finally see some passion for the organization. I remember when the employees would work the Red Kettles, during the Christmas season. It was quite sad how many people would walk by the ringing bells and the red buckets, with no thought or intention of contributing their own money to the organization they are now so concerned about. Maybe this will inspire more participation?
- How much have you given to the Salvation Army over the past 5-7 years? A quarter here and there in the red buckets? A dollar or two, if added up?
- What has your personal contribution been to the success of the FCA? Feel free to Google the organization, I’ll wait here, until you get back.
- The reality is, even Christians, the one’s yelling the loudest in outrage against Chick-Fil-A, are some of the biggest hypocrites when it comes to giving and generosity.
- For those who come from a faith tradition that teaches and believes in tithing, only 10-25% of Christians (who claim to believe in it) actually tithe.
- Religious giving, among “Christians” is down 50% since 1990.
- On average, Christians give 2.5% of their income to their local church. Christians gave an average of 3.3% during the Great Depression (for comparison sake).
- Maybe we (Christians) should get our own hearts and charitable giving in line with scripture, before we tell a company what to do with theirs, or before we cast unfounded judgement on what has been one of the most charitable organizations and restaurants around.
It’s just like the people who want to tell the church how to spend money, but they never give any, or if they do, it’s less than the tip they leave a restaurant waiter, at a low-end diner. People love to yell when they don’t like what the church is doing, but they don’t participate in supporting the vision and the ministry. Now, someone creates a narrative about Chick-Fil-A, and suddenly everyone is the Salvation Army and FCA’s biggest fans. But, let’s be honest: Would your own personal giving and generosity towards those organizations reveal that you’re truly a fan, or are you just looking for something to be outraged about? Are you helping the opposition finally get their way with Chick-Fil-A?
Maybe, I’m wrong and you are right. I guess like many say with Kanye’s salvation, time will tell. I truly believe Kanye is saved and he’s showing it. In the same way, I truly believe many have bought into a false narrative about Chick-Fil-A and have tarnished the company’s character, with no facts. If they’re right, I’ll be the first to confess I was wrong. I wonder if all of the outraged former fans of Chick-Fil-A will do the same, if time proves them wrong?
Amen Nick.
https://www.bisnow.com/national/news/retail/exclusive-amid-global-expansion-and-lgbt-pushback-chick-fil-a-changes-charitable-giving-structure-101818?fbclid=IwAR1MYN9YhaRAPgekJz5tAHyBXgTRIomvCVov0jI8ev6sec7pu3wMv5_3dcU It’s hard to see it any other way when you see comments by CFA executives like this…..
Kim — As I have said in previous comments — “The Salvation Army is a church, but they have decided to receive public funding which has forced them to bow at the governments requirements in hiring and inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community. They hire LGBTQ+ individuals and provide healthcare to their spouses. Their church has a doctrine of traditional marriage, but they don’t stand on that doctrine in their social services wing. I don’t see anyone speaking out against that?” Instead everyone is defending the Salvation Army as being fully pro traditional marriage, yet they don’t always practice that stance throughout the organization. I love the Salvation Army and what they do, but they’re not as pure as everyone is acting like they are. This is not the first time Chick-Fil-A has shared who they are supporting and who they have stopped supporting. Dig deeper. In a public statement back in March of 2019: “Chick-fil-A, Inc. said the company had made a decision in 2017 to no longer donate to the Paul Anderson Youth Home moving forward. “In 2017, a decision was made by the Chick-fil-A Foundation to no longer donate to the group after a blog post from 2010 surfaced that does not meet Chick-fil-A’s commitment to creating a welcoming environment to all.”
Charles — Sure, there are plenty of other ways to see it. In fact, the corporate office shared in March of 2019 that their support of FCA would definitely be ending. That was a public statement and commitment, but there was no outrage. They quit supporting the Paul Anderson Youth Home in 2017 (not just now), and that was made public as well, and no outrage. The Salvation Army, as I have shared in previous comments, are not a pure and pristine on issues surrounding the LGBTQ+ issues, as many think (I know from personal, first-hand experience), but there is no outrage against them, but only blind support as if they are being dropped because they have been labeled “anti-LGBTQ+” I have love the Salvation Army, but they’re flying under the radar for their own shift in company policy, based on government funding requirements. This year, Chick-Fil-A has said they are going to support one larger organization for each of the three categories they want to focus on, but instead of long-term deals, they are only doing annual agreements. Their future giving will include both Christian and secular organizations. Local restaurants have had that ability all along.
This posted on FB by none other than Franklin Graham. Supports your belief.
FROM: Franklin Graham
5 hrs ·
Has Chick-fil-A caved? Some are saying they’ve rolled over, that they’ve conceded to the LGBTQ protests because they released a statement about their charitable giving. They announced that in 2020 they’re giving to fight hunger and homelessness and support education. What’s wrong with that?
I picked up the phone and called Dan Cathy. Dan was very clear that they have not bowed down to anyone’s demands, including the LGBTQ community. They will continue to support whoever they want to support. They haven’t changed who they are or what they believe. Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values. Dan Cathy assured me that this isn’t going to change. I hope all those who jumped to the wrong conclusion about them read this.
In my opinion, the gay movement wouldn’t ever be happy with Chick-fil-A unless they were open on Sunday, gave all of their charitable donations to LGBTQ organizations, and flew the rainbow flag over their stores! Their hatred for Chick-fil-A is rooted in founder Truett Cathy’s strong stand for biblical “traditional” values and his desire to honor God.
No fast food chain does a better job. I went through the drive-thru at Chick-fil-A yesterday morning, and I thought I might get dinner there—but a whole lot of other people had the same idea! A Chick-fil-A sandwich with waffle fries sounds really good right now!
I understand and agree with much of your blog. However, I am one of those who does not fit your narrative about non support of the Salvation Army. When considering to whom I give, I investigate the facts such as compensation to leadership, percentage of donations which actually reach those they are helping, etc, and I find the SA is one of the best, so I support them regularly. The other issue I see is the public statement by the CFA president saying they were considering the more liberal markets they are moving into and wanting to clarify who they are. What does that mean? It seems to me they muddied the water. Let me add that Dan Cathy is a personal friend of mine and I love this company. I’m just really confused.
Thank you for your response Nick, I will dig deeper.
Last note: The Salvation Army does not seem to embrace and affirm LGBT, they help without discrimination. While researching the organizations CFA has decided to align with in 2020, they seem to openly and proudly support and affirm everything about the LGBT community. Plus, CFA took a stance publicly. They could have done it privately and we may have never known. I believe this was a strategic move and CFA seemed to be the last hold out.
Take care.
Yep to all this. Thank you
“If they caved, why did they wait 7-years to do so?” It’s not unheard of. Church denominations have held out longer than seven years but eventually caved just like Chick-fil-A. The company has been unable to open restaurants in Canada and in a couple of major American airports because of their biblical stance. In short, their bottom line hasn’t been hurt, but their ability to expand has hit an LGBT-glass ceiling. That’s my answer to his rhetorical “why” question.
“Or, could Chick-Fil-A be telling the truth, when they claim that they are simply refocusing their charitable giving to three specific areas?” Convenient timing.
“And their support for the Salvation Army and FCA was not cancelled, but instead their long-term contracts had expired and they chose not to renew with those two specific organizations?” Semantic word-games.
“The company that still closes on Sunday (worldwide), even at the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium, in Atlanta, despite the huge financial loss to the company?” We’ll see how many years that closed-on-Sunday thing continues.
“Either character and reputation matter, or they don’t. Based on social media posts in the past 24-hours, I’m beginning to believe it is a lost value in our world.” Based on Chick-fil-A’s decision, I would agree.
“It’s interesting that my fellow conservative and Christian friends who have spent the last two years relabeling the news media as the, “lame stream media” and “fake news” would immediately jump to conclusions based on news headlines and media narratives.” Speaking for myself only, it’s not based on media reports and news headlines. It’s based on the actions of Chick-fil-A plus a statement by Chick-fil-A President and Chief Operating Officer Tim Tassopoulos. “There’s no question we know that, as we go into new markets, we need to be clear about who we are. There are lots of articles and newscasts about Chick-fil-A, and we thought we needed to be clear about our message.” Why the need to be clear about who they are based on articles and newscasts as they expand into new markets (where they have been blacklisted because of their stance on LGBT+-issues) if not to attempt to appease the LGBT+ mob?
“Some of my friends and acquaintances are simultaneously posting articles and videos about the presidential impeachment hearings, saying everything is hearsay, lies, and made up reports, all the while parroting the same media when it comes to Chick-Fil-A.” Not me and not some of my friends who have posted about this same thing, only a small few of the very people the author is writing about. I have never given President Donald J. Trump the benefit of the doubt on anything, nor am I about to start even though he has pleasantly surprised me by his actions as President overall. Everyone, everything, and every action should be vetted the same way regardless of who it is or past history.
“No one from Chick-Fil-A has said they are pulling support from groups that support traditional marriage, and/or are anti-LGBTQ+.” Actions speak louder than words. They don’t have to “say” anything, especially when what they say contradicts what they are doing.
“MOST of you had no idea these were two of the charity groups that Chick-Fil-A supported, until the news media told you, yesterday.” So what? That’s like saying, “You say you’re against murder right? Did you know about [insert every day non-famous person’s name here] that got killed in [insert city of your choice here]? You didn’t? Why that just proves you’re a hypocrite for saying you care about the issue of murder in America because you’re not familiar with every murder that has happened. Maybe the reason most people had no idea is that they had no reason to doubt Chick-fil-A prior to this. Hopefully, most people won’t make that mistake again.
“Chick-Fil-A has not said that it will not support other groups, in the future that support traditional marriage or that the media labels as anti-LGBTQ+.” Again, actions speak louder than words so we’ll see.
“All outrage is based solely on speculation about Chick-Fil-A’s motives versus verifiable facts.” Wrong. The facts of who they are ceasing partnerships combined with the timing, their difficulty with expansion into other places, and the statement by the President and COO are verifiable facts.
“It’s the same attack I have heard conservatives claim the media uses against President Trump.” Yeah, and I am still just as annoyed with conservatives and especially Christians for blindly supporting President Donald J. Trump without any curiosity or critical thinking whatsoever. Even though it appears to have worked out in the country’s favor, that doesn’t mean it is a good way to live or that it will work out that way every time. So Trump is an invalid excuse for not asking hard questions of Chick-Fil-A.
“What my fellow Christians and conservatives are saying is: Because the LGBTQ+ advocates don’t like specific organizations, and Chick-Fil-A has supported those organizations in the past, they are obligated to forever support those organizations, or they have caved to social and cultural pressures. Even though they supported them for several years, in total of over one million dollars.” Sure, I will plead guilty to that. We’re in a culture war and we need to support each other. And it’s not like they are stopping donations to two pro-family groups in exchange for supporting others who don’t have a pro-LGBT agenda. They are basically saying it just doesn’t matter anymore one way or the other. Again, how convenient.
“Well, who are you to say what charitable organizations Chick-Fil-A has to indefinitely support?” False premise. No one is taking away their right to do whatever they wish. But no one can do whatever they wish without consequence, good or bad, even though they have the free choice to do it. That sounds like what the author is advocating: freedom from consequence, not freedom of choice.
I’m not seeing where the fact that Salvation Army “hire LGBTQ+ individuals and provide healthcare to their spouses.”… makes them “not as pure”. When did providing healthcare to someone start to make an organization not pure in the eyes of The Church? I feel like the opposite should be true.
My wife and I were saying the same things as you articulate here last night . Well said.
There are some pretty snarky assumptions made here, I withheld judgement on this issue until I had the facts. No rush to judgement, I’m not being manipulated by the media and I understand the timing. It’s clear this move was meant to facilitate the company’s expansion. Even if we take the changes in giving at face value, hunger. homelessness, etc are the typical safe charities every industry consultant tells their clients to give to. Hunger and homelessness will never go away but you still get brownie points for “trying” On the other hand, Christian organizations are under constant direct assault and it is appointed to us as the body of Christ to support them. I’d never set foot in a chick fil a until the day I saw them being bullied by a mob of perpetually outraged malcontents. The reason that mob was attacking chick fil a has as much to do with their hatred and contempt for me as it does with company policies, organizations like chick fil a are proxies for the real target of LBGTQ hatred, anyone who dares disapprove of or disagree with them. But single most compelling aspect of this isn’t anything that was said or done, but rather what hasn’t been said. The chick fil a of 5 years ago would have immediately come out and set the record straight. That hasn’t happened and based on the timing, the specific charities dropped and the impact this will have on pending expansion it’s just not reasonable to brush it off as coincidence. We stood by a company, they saw an opportunity to gain lots of new customer at the cost of a few loyal customers and made the call, end of story.
I don’t know you me reputation Nick, but I DO know Franklin Graham’s and Focus on the Family’s Jim Daly. Are you saying they have not done any research and don’t know what is going on and just wow statements to millions of their followers? Read their statements. We DO trust them. I also don’t know the younger Chick Fil A owners or newer Board and how much they care about this fight. Jim Daly and Franklin don’t have any “dog in this fight” except they DO know what it’s like to be terriorized by intolerant antiChristian groups for their stances on Bibical prolife and pro- heterosexual only family. Sadly, sounds like YOU have issues with the Salvation Army and this was your chance to “set that record straight about your dog in this fight.” I’m not mean or mad at Chick Fil A. We Christians ALSO have the same right to let them know we aren’t happy with their decision. Read THEIR statement. My version of their quote: They said we MAY reconsider and look at donation funding FAITH BASED charities in the future. specifically FAITH BASED. If they just take every charity o it’s merits why say FAITH BASED? Why weren’t NON faith based mentioned or cut? They have NOT denied that this was because of the “non inclusiveness” of these faith based organizations. If they DID no one would be concerned. And for you to attack “Christians” many of of us DO support those organizations, and DO give to our churches. Aren’t you now being the same bully to say such things without facts? Sad. I say go to whatever fast food you want because you like the food. For excellence. DON’T go to Chick Fil A because they are supporting Christian faith based organizations as they DO NOT any longer. Personally, I will vote with my feet and my $$ am not going to respect what I was think WAS because for the pressure but they won’t be straight (funny choice) and just say. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. We just don’t want to stand up for this particular issue any longer. period. At least that would be honest – and I would not refuse to eat there. Shoot McDonalds and all the others do the same. We do hold their prior stance to a HIGHER standard because some of us ONLY chose Chick Fil A because they were getting hit so hard by the anti heterosexual marriage bullies. But it won’t be enough for the left. But they need to know we all didn’t Iike what they did. Offer us the same discretion without judging us as you’re offering them for just “rethinking” their annual donations. You’re using this pulpit for your own issues with the Salvation Army. Your motives don’t appear pure. But hey there I am doing what you did —He is without sin…..Nick – a pastor from Georgia – I looked you up. My son’s a pastor and I was a pastor’s secretary. It’s a tough job. I appreciate your sacrifices for the kingdom. Bless Your Heart – We could all be a little kinder and gentler my brother! God bless you!
Jon — I’m not saying it doesn’t make them pure. I’m not attacking the Salvation Army at all. What I am saying is, the Salvation Army would not be considered as innocent and “pure” in regards to the LGBTQ+ issue, in the eyes of those who are upset at Chick-Fil-A, if they knew TSA did those things. Many think the Salvation Army stands firm on their doctrine of traditional marriage, but in reality, they are required to hire LGBTQ individuals because they receive government funding. This isn’t true for the standard church. Any church that does not receive government funding is not required to hire people that do not represent their beliefs and values. The Salvation Army can no longer take that stance.
Kim — Consider this statement by Franklin Graham: “Has Chick-fil-A caved? Some are saying they’ve rolled over, that they’ve conceded to the LGBTQ protests because they released a statement about their charitable giving. They announced that in 2020 they’re giving to fight hunger and homelessness and support education. What’s wrong with that?
I picked up the phone and called Dan Cathy. Dan was very clear that they have not bowed down to anyone’s demands, including the LGBTQ community. They will continue to support whoever they want to support. They haven’t changed who they are or what they believe. Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values. Dan Cathy assured me that this isn’t going to change. I hope all those who jumped to the wrong conclusion about them read this.
In my opinion, the gay movement wouldn’t ever be happy with Chick-fil-A unless they were open on Sunday, gave all of their charitable donations to LGBTQ organizations, and flew the rainbow flag over their stores! Their hatred for Chick-fil-A is rooted in founder Truett Cathy’s strong stand for biblical ‘traditional’ values and his desire to honor God.
No fast food chain does a better job.“
Geoffrey — I just ran across that same quote and am considering adding it to my post as an update. Thank you!
Becki — I can only speculate that the COO was referring to narrowing down their corporate support to three major categories. For instance, the FCA is a great organization, but it has little to nothing to do with education, homelessness, or hunger. The one million dollars that they invested in FCA can go a long ways in helping in those three specific areas. All charity in the future will be annual agreements and evaluated each year. Consider this comment from Franklin Graham, in his personal conversation with Dan Cathy:
“Has Chick-fil-A caved? Some are saying they’ve rolled over, that they’ve conceded to the LGBTQ protests because they released a statement about their charitable giving. They announced that in 2020 they’re giving to fight hunger and homelessness and support education. What’s wrong with that?
I picked up the phone and called Dan Cathy. Dan was very clear that they have not bowed down to anyone’s demands, including the LGBTQ community. They will continue to support whoever they want to support. They haven’t changed who they are or what they believe. Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values. Dan Cathy assured me that this isn’t going to change. I hope all those who jumped to the wrong conclusion about them read this.
In my opinion, the gay movement wouldn’t ever be happy with Chick-fil-A unless they were open on Sunday, gave all of their charitable donations to LGBTQ organizations, and flew the rainbow flag over their stores! Their hatred for Chick-fil-A is rooted in founder Truett Cathy’s strong stand for biblical ‘traditional’ values and his desire to honor God.
No fast food chain does a better job.”
Ruth — Hi Ruth – Thank you for your comments. I am grateful you support these organizations. I have no issues with the Salvation Army at all. I’m not sure where you get that I do and therefore your comments about “using my pulpit for my own issues with the Salvation Army” is invalid and preposterous. I support them and their work, but I am also honest about the facts.
As for Franklin Graham, here is his quote, after talking directly to Dan Cathy, after the news broke:
“Has Chick-fil-A caved? Some are saying they’ve rolled over, that they’ve conceded to the LGBTQ protests because they released a statement about their charitable giving. They announced that in 2020 they’re giving to fight hunger and homelessness and support education. What’s wrong with that?
I picked up the phone and called Dan Cathy. Dan was very clear that they have not bowed down to anyone’s demands, including the LGBTQ community. They will continue to support whoever they want to support. They haven’t changed who they are or what they believe. Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values. Dan Cathy assured me that this isn’t going to change. I hope all those who jumped to the wrong conclusion about them read this.
In my opinion, the gay movement wouldn’t ever be happy with Chick-fil-A unless they were open on Sunday, gave all of their charitable donations to LGBTQ organizations, and flew the rainbow flag over their stores! Their hatred for Chick-fil-A is rooted in founder Truett Cathy’s strong stand for biblical ‘traditional’ values and his desire to honor God.
No fast food chain does a better job.”
Christopher — Just because you are one of some who may have taken that approach, doesn’t mean the vast majority of those who are displaying their outrage is a snarky assumption on my part. You have your opinion and as I said, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, and I am okay with that. Franklin Graham spoke directly to Dan Cathy, after the news broke, and has also said this has been blown way out of proportion. So, I’m not the only one who sees it that way. Take care.
Thank you for tamping down the drama. This is nothing more than FAKE NEWS!
Here are verifiable facts. The LGBTQ community calls the Sakvation Army and FCA anti-LGBTQ. Chick-fil-A, at kearly the same time, publically announces that they will no longer be donationg to these groups (absolute zero need for oublic announcement). Chick-fil-A then announces that Covenant House will be a new recipient of charitable contributions. Covemant House is a very pro-LGBTQ charity, one that condones and endorses the sinful lifestyle. These are all facts.
How is it illogical to then conclude that the shift has everything to do with pressure from the Left? Thebsimlle answer is it is not illogical. Moreover, it’s more likely to be the case than not.
Personally I found Nick’s tone to be dismissive and condescending and stopped reading after the 1st Hear Are The Facts bullet which says “No one from Chick-Fil-A has said they are pulling support from groups that support traditional marriage, and/or are anti-LGBTQ+” Tim Tassopoulos (CFA COO) said the following in an interview to Bisnow “As Chick-fil-A expands globally and into more liberal parts of the U.S., the chicken chain plans to change which charities it donates to after years of bad press and protests from the LGBT community,” Seems clear that the company feels it can expand into liberal communities by distancing itself from issues that offend the LGBT folks. The Salvation Army certainly heard it that way by defending itself and it’s history of serving people in need regardless of sexual orientation.
I’m fine with being a counter weight to a popular wave in one direction or the other provided it’s both respectful and truthful.
Woodman — Thank you for your comment. Wow! Talk about dishonesty. The quote you attributed to COO, Tim Tassopoulos was the opening line of the article in Biznow. Tim did not say that, “As Chick-fil-A expands globally and into more liberal parts of the U.S., the chicken chain plans to change which charities it donates to after years of bad press and protests from the LGBT community.” Cameron Sperance, the writer of the article said that. I have no problem coming across with a “dismissive” tone when there is unnecessary outrage. I am dismissive of it. My opening facts bullet is 100% correct. No one from Chick-Fil-A has said they are intentionally dropping “anti” LGBTQ+ agencies. The outrage is inflamed by comments like this one which is 100% false and wrongly attributed.
My only concern was “Why did they not give us a heads up so we could be more e more prepared to having talking points to our customers? We just had our planning session a few weeks before and they could have at least explained it there or even left us to know the day before they released it to the media.
Bisnow: Chick-fil-A President and Chief Operating Officer Tim Tassopoulos said in an interview with Bisnow. “There are lots of articles and newscasts about Chick-fil-A, and we thought we needed to be clear about our message.”
What were this articles about, that CFA thought they had to clear up their message?
“Future partners could include faith-based and non-faith-based charities, but the company said none of the organizations have anti-LGBT positions.” Quote from Cameron Spearance, author of article. Has CFA denied this paraphrase of the exclusive interview? Do we have any evidence this reporter is mischaracterizing CFA?
‘But after years of “taking it on the chin,” as a Chick-fil-A executive told Bisnow, the latest round of headlines was impossible to ignore. This time, it was impeding the company’s growth.’ Again, a CFA exec is QUOTED as referring to this change as related to some negative thing happening to CFA. I wonder, what could it be that was giving them knockout punches?
“When there is a tension, we want to make sure we’re being clear.”–COO again. What tensions could he be referring to?
This article seems to be based on a cursory read of the Bisnow article, and then jumping to call out others for jumping to conclusions. There are direct quotes that clearly indicate CFA’s decision is related to LGBT+ pressure. To miss that evidence, and then claim those who actually saw it are rushing to judgment, is pretty sad.
Dan Cathy can tell Franklin Graham all he wants this is overblown. The COO clearly tied this to LGBT “tensions.” Has CFA corrected the record of the interview? Demanded correction/retraction? Has the COO been fired? Saying it’s “overblown” is not a denial.
Mitch — Actually, when I wrote my post, I had not even read the Biznow article. I have now read it in full, several times, especially after other commenters have posted it and it has shown up on social media platforms, so your assumption is incorrect.
However, your utilization of the article proves the points I have made about allowing the media to create the narrative. Because it is written in a way that supports the narrative you have accepted, you have used it in the way it is intended.
1. What clarity about Chick-Fil-A is Tim Tassopoulos referring to, as they move into new communities? ““This provides more focus and more clarity,” Tassopoulos said. “We think [education, hunger and homelessness] are critical issues in communities where we do business in the U.S.” Narrowing their charity focus to the three main categories of education, hunger, and homelessness, provides clarity as they move into new communities.
2. Your statement: ‘But after years of “taking it on the chin,” as a Chick-fil-A executive told Bisnow, the latest round of headlines was impossible to ignore. This time, it was impeding the company’s growth.’ Again, a CFA exec is QUOTED as referring to this change as related to some negative thing happening to CFA — — This is a complete mischaracterization on Biznow’s part and now on yours for falling for it. This is how the media works. It’s basic grammar. What did the company executive say? The only thing quoted: “taking it on the chin” the rest of the statement was not a quote, it was the writers own words. This is how narratives are created and how stories are spun. The executive could have very well said that they have taken it on the chin, as they have for over 7-years and their company values have not shifted, nor have they made any public shift in their policies now. Everyone seems to be ignoring all of their faith-based, and pro-Biblical charities and initiatives they are still supporting.
3. Dan Cathy told Franklin Graham, that Chick-Fil-A will continue to support whoever they want to support. They haven’t changed who they are or what they believe. Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values. — – CFA has long supported Christian and secular charities, that is not new. In 2016, the company told ThinkProgress that they had already planned to end support with Paul Anderson Boy’s Home and FCA. The FCA does not align with their three focuses: Education, Homelessness, and Hunger. This goes back to the company wanting to make it clear who they are and what their goals are.
4. The COO did not clearly tie these changes to the tensions. The Biznow writer added statements in-between broken quotes to write that narrative. Once again, in 2016, CFA agreed they were ending some of their support, and some of those groups are groups the LGBTQ+ advocates disagreed with [ThinkProgress].
5. As I have shared in other comments. The Salvation Army also has changed their company policies, despite a doctrinal statement affirming traditional, Biblical marriage. In their social service wing, they have started receiving public, government funds, and as a result, they must abide by the governments inclusion policies and hiring practices for LGBTQ+ individuals. Had that been in the news, everyone would be boycotting them. Instead, people are outraged CFA didn’t extend their giving agreement, so the outrage is directed at them, and the focus is put on Covenant Houses similar LGBTQ+ inclusive practices.
Nick, thanks for the response. I await CFA’s demand to Bisnow for corrections and retractions. They could have cleared this up 3 days ago very easily with a straight assertion that those quotes were out of context. Maybe they did and I just missed it. I’d love to find out the Bisnow writer lied. If CFA pointed out the mischaracterizations, I’d believe CFA.
If CFA was misrepresented and left that out there for 1 day, let alone 3, then they are damaging SA and FCA and Christians in general, as well as themselves.
CFA is also guilty of the damage being done because they had to know this would look like a cave. They had a responsibility to make sure it could not be taken as a slap at their friends and fans. A failure this big looks like willful negligence.
You have some valid points, but you also are ignoring the obvious. The “Conservative Christian mob” is NOT attacking or calling CFA into account because we believe the fake news narrative, We are calling them into account over THEIR OWN vague explanations that thinking people recognize as weasel words and spin. We are waiting for an answer as to why they are claiming to target hunger and homelessness yet are no longer funding an organization whose core mission does just that. And we are finding their silence disturbing. We are aware of the drift that we see in CFA that was not there under its founder. Christians are still customers, and we are letting the company leaders know we aren’t happy with the direction the company is going. Why is that a problem? Many of us choose to support CFA strictly because of their stand, and we have every right to know whether we are being hoodwinked by the new management.
I see that you have read the comments from the COO about new markets which is kind of condemning in itself but this announcement comes on the heels of the whole thing about Ellie Goulding, the singer threatening to pull out of singing at the Cowboys game of they didn’t get rid of the Salvation Army as the sponsor of the halftime show because it was supposedly anti-LGBTQ. It is also very interesting that the Salvation Army helps with all of the things: education, homelessness and hunger, that Chick-Fil-A has stated that they are going to support in the future. So you take those three facts and the conclusion can be made that they have caved. Maybe it was just a big coincidence that they did this now, when several things have come together to make it looked like they caved. I think they either have terrible timing to make their announcement or they have impeccable timing for the announcement to make headlines and have compromised their values. I probably still will be going to eat there but not as often because it is kind of expensive.
Mitch said, “CFA is also guilty of the damage being done because they had to know this would look like a cave. They had a responsibility to make sure it could not be taken as a slap at their friends and fans. A failure this big looks like willful negligence.”
Really? Wow. That’s hilarious. A “responsibility” to make sure it could not be “taken” as a slap? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. CFA will survive just fine. As a person who has watched the media devolve into utter chaos, I am astounded that you would take anything the Biznow or any other outlet would write at face value without checking THEM out thoroughly first. Agenda? Totally. And you bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Katrina — Thank you for your comment.
When contracts run out, they run out. Chick-Fil-A shared they would be ending their agreement with FCA as early as 2017. At that time, they had already ended their support of the Paul Anderson Boy’s Home. In March of this year, reported by ThinkProgress, CFA announced again the end of these agreements, and their commitment to be supportive of all groups. Something that Dan Cathy said back when the protests began. If you think the Biznow’s quoting of the COO is condemning, I would encourage you to re-read it and pay attention to how the writer of the article has spread out the quotes, added his own commentary in-between, and in some cases have used very short quotes and added his own commentary to it, making it look like a full quote from an executive. I have covered this things in several of my comments. Irregardless of the Salvation Army providing these services, the decision to support different groups and more groups with one year agreements, is the companies decision. This speaks to their entire change. They are moving away from supporting just one group under a long-term agreement. Companies like Sam’s and Wal-Mart do this. Each year, they have charity funds and they support various groups at their choosing, and based on requests submitted to them.
Glee — Thank you for your message. I haven’t ignored anything obvious. “Thinking People” is subjective. To save myself time, I won’t cover everything again, as I did so in other comments. Feel free to read my reply to Mitch. There is ‘obvious’ spin & mischaracterizations in the Biznow article everyone is pointing to, claiming vague explanations. I think Dan Cathy’s reply to Franklin Graham was far from vague. But, since it doesn’t fit the narrative everyone has bought, they have rejected his own, direct statement. Interesting! Chick-Fil-A was doing quite fine before people decided to support them for political or religious reasons. If you want to support a restaurant for the same reasons, it’s your money. Do with it what you choose.
Where I strongly disagree with you, is that Christian customers are letting the company leaders know you aren’t happy with them. #1 If you’re doing it on Social Media, through blogs, and forums, you’re not doing it the Biblical way. Since you want to treat the company like they are a person, you need to follow the Biblical approach of handling a conflict with a brother or sister. #2 What these Christians are doing is painting a poor picture of grace to the world we are called to reach. Is this how you would handle an individual in your church that makes a decision you don’t like? You’d put them on public blast to tell them you disagree with them? You would send hateful and unkind messages to them, as some ‘Christians’ are doing to the local operators, who have nothing to do with the corporate decisions? I’d reconsider how you choose to make your disagreement known, for the sake of Christ.
Question for Chick-Fil-a:
Are you tired of the charges and counter-charges… accusations and denials .. explanations and refutations ?
So am I. There is only one real question.
Do you maintain your well documented support for Biblical marriage and your opposition to homosexuality?
It could all be cleared up very quickly with either of two answers.
1. No.
We have decided that the opposition from gay-rights groups and the difficulty in expanding into liberal strongholds is just too much for us. We are going to support gay-friendly organizations and we apologize for our past position on Christian values.
2. Yes.
We have not changed our long-stated position of Biblical marriage and homosexuality. We built our business on those principles. It is our contention that Christian teachings mandate that we maintain that position. We will contribute to organizations that uphold those values. We will not subsidize those who promote behavior antithetical to our values.
Those are the only answers. You can’t have it both ways!
Along with either answer there could be a pledge to continue the practice of friendly service, excellent food, pleasant environment and a non-threatening atmosphere will be offered to all regardless of whether they agree or disagree with your beliefs.
Customers could decide for themselves whether the answer made them more or less likely to return.
Any answer other than some version of these two will not end the debates.
Saying that “we maintain Christian values” is simply not a definitive answer in today’s culture.
Gay-Affirming Churches, Only-One-Man-One-Woman Churches, and everything in between all claim to be reflecting Christian values.
The question for Chick-Fil-a is specific to the value that created the massive support from conservative evangelicals and the angry protests from the pro-gay activists. Hundreds of thousands of people who hold biblical standards have been the driving force behind your growth. Christians didn’t make you an icon for “Christian family values”. You made yourself one. I personally stood in line for more than an hour twice (two meals) on Chick-Fil-a Appreciation Day based on your proclamation of values which I identify with.
You can’t avoid the question and you can’t sidestep the issue with platitudes.
Your customer base will depend on your answer.
If you refuse to give a clear answer, your customers will make their own determination of your position.
It’s really not a hard question. It will just take courage to answer it.
Very well-said and thought provoking. I remain concerned about CFA’s support of Covenant House, an organization whose goals in part stand in stark contrast to biblical principles.
I see a Barbara Walters special in the making (or a fight from Oprah to get it first )
Or maybe even ME …. a former pastors wife , mom and grandmother who has LONG supported Chic fil a …. maybe even go today .
This whole thing certainly is not going to affect my PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to work for the kingdom ❤️.
Everything your saying that they have not done they will do eventually. Remember publix was closed on sundays and opened. CFA will eventually. They want the monkey off there back. It’s just a matter of time. Remember homosexuality is acceptable now in many churches. There are gay pastors. The old testament is not for today. God is not the God of wrath anymore. Jesus didn’t mention homosexuality directly so it’s ok. The new testament books like jude dont matter now. It’s a new day! Just wait and see.
The second comment I saw by Charles at 1:11pm made your point. He cited a Bisnow online article in which he indicated a Chic-fit-a exec was quoted stating they were changing charities due to pressure. The only problem is, this article DOES NOT contain that at all! There is a lot of editorializing in that direction, but the direct quotes DO NOT say that. In fact, 2/3 into the article is this statement,
“ The company still maintains the donations were made for reasons completely unrelated to the organizations’ stance on LGBT issues. “
Just saying…