I saw this story today…
One of every 50 American children experiences homelessness, according to a new report that says most states have inadequate plans to address the worsening and often-overlooked problem.
The report being released Tuesday by the National Center on Family Homelessness gives Connecticut the best ranking. Texas is at the bottom.
“These kids are the innocent victims, yet it seems somehow or other they get left out,” said the center’s president, Dr. Ellen Bassuk. “Why are they America’s outcasts?” [Read Entire Story Here]
I know we talk a lot about the needs of children overseas from time to time. I do believe that many of the children in 3rd world countries have it much worst than we do here in America. A great documentary that shows some of the comparisons is Glue Boys (If you’ve not seen it, buy it!). I love this film and it breaks my heart seeing the lives some of these young children experience everyday. However, I do not believe we can put so much attention overseas that we neglect those in our own Country, and I wonder if that is happening?
If the statistics are correct, there are a lot of homeless children in the United States. I know there is a lot of talk about Government bailouts and Government assistance, but I firmly believe Jesus called the church to provide for the needs of the common man, not the Government. We can allow the government to make us lazy as the body of Christ. I love James 1:27, it simply points out true religion is taking care of those who are in desperate need, the orphans and the widows. I don’t believe it stops with those two categories of people, but it extends to people with needs.
So my question today is, what can the CHURCH do to solve the issue of child homelessness in America? Join the Conversation, and us know your thoughts!
Awesome conversation Nick! When I was in Las Vegas a few years back I saw a homeless guy lying on a bench outside a The Bellagio Hotel. I thought to myself “how can a homeless guy be lying here one hundred feet from a huge hotel?” The Holy Spirit convicted me with the words “or church”! It hit me like a ton of bricks!!!
I think as Christians we need to stop looking a building mega churches and start looking at building mega ministries!
If we all payed attention to James 1:27 and did our part, we could greatly reduce or even eliminate the problem.
Shine on bro!
@ Charlie – Great thought…it makes me think, how many of those homeless are just down the street from or next door to our local churches?
Thanks for spreading the word. I have been working with homeless kids for more than 20 years. The situation gets worse each year. The good Samaritan story is perfect in telling that we have to take care of the person on the side of the road on our way to doing good works in other places. Or, clean up your own backyard first.