Well….that dreaded time of my life has arrived. I seriously think I am having an early midlife crisis; I was on the drive home last night and I felt my chest hurting, sure some could say that it was just indigestion or something of the sort, but I swear it was 30 knocking on my door, and a heart attack or stroke about to take me to meet my Maker!
Yes, today I (and maybe a few others) celebrate my turning 29. That’s just a sober reminder that I have 364 days until my clock ticks past the big 30. Seriously, how did I get this old, this fast? It really feels like a blip on the radar. Other than the 4 gray hairs I’ve been able to count amongst my regularly colored hair, I feel like I am still a teenager. Wow! How many old people have I heard say that? And then they are in a pine box the next day.
I am thankful for all 29 years of my life (Disclaimer: I am actually typing this a day early and scheduling it for my birthday, so if I am found dead, just ignore this line…I meant to say I am thankful for all 28 years of my life!) Thinking back, I have nothing to complain about, only things to be thankful for, here’s a handful, if you care to see how God has blessed me:
1. Life
2. I was raised on a solid foundation by loving parents
3. I have the sexiest wife on the planet (I was able to secure her before I was even 20…I know, I’m smart, very smart)
4. I have 3 of the most amazing, beautiful children on the planet…yes even more amazing than yours.
5. A Wonderful family (sisters, brother, cousins, aunts, uncles, Granparents, and the in-laws)
5. My dream was to visit California once in my life…I’ve been there 6 times now.
6. I have Amazing friends (and we let Laura Kerr hang around, because we like her husband, Trevor)
7. I get to pastor amazing people at an amazing church (New Passion Church)
8. I’ve got a home, a hot shower, a comfortable bed, a leak-free roof, a car to get me where I need to go, a job to help pay the bills, lights that work, food in the refrigerator, a stove to cook my food (and a wife who is a good cook).
9. A computer to connect me to the rest of the world via Twitter & Facebook
11. I got fat in my 20’s & I lost it all in my late 20’s. It was an interesting ride, but I don’t intend on going back that way (I truly cannot afford to anyway. Its going to take 8 years to replace the 8 years worth of clothes I had to give away)
10. The tiny impact I hope I’ve been allowed to make in the lives of students and adults through the ministries God has allowed me to be a part of. I only hope my influence changes someone’s world within their lifetime.
Though I could go on and on and on…I need to get started on the 364 days I have left until I am 30. I’ve got a lot to do, just in case I don’t make it, or I break a hip or something. Happy Birthday to Me! 🙂
Well all your “friends”, including Trevor, come around because I tell them that if they could peel back the layers of your arrogance they would see your just a empty shell looking for someone to love. So youre wecome!
i’m in the mix with many others…saying we’re grateful to God for your good heart. thanks for living so boldly from it. praying the natal day is blessed!
When I turned 26 I decided I was staying there… pretty soon I’ll be turning 26 for the third time!
DUDE! Thirty is OLD? I’m ancient, then!
You’ve done much in your live, Young Skywalker, continue on. 🙂
Seriously, age is just a number. Celebrate every year and enjoy them.
.-= Faye´s last blog ..Silent Hallelujahs =-.
Aww this is so beautiful! I know that you will have the bestest birthday ever!! And many more to come!! but umm..i didnt see anything about you being thankful for a Godmother or Nanny…idk just sayin 🙂