Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
Cold Fries
There’s nothing like fresh, hot, crispy, and perfectly salted, golden french fries! I recently went to a restaurant and ordered a meal that included fries. As soon as I received my meal, I noticed my fries didn’t look fresh, hot, crispy, or golden. The whole order looked cold, flimsy, and brown. I touched one. It felt stale and […]
NewSpring Church, Perry Noble, and Addiction
By now, you have probably heard the news that NewSpring Church removed Perry Noble as their Senior Pastor, effective July 1, 2016. NewSpring has provided the statement their pastors and Pastor Advisory Team wrote to their church, as well as Perry’s statement, he wrote to the church. This post is not intended to speculate beyond […]
A Lesson from Granny’s House
As far back as I can remember, up to 16 years old, my parents took my siblings and me to Granny’s house to visit her. Boy was it was an event! We weren’t the only ones who made frequent, weekly visits to Granny’s; it was very, very, very rare that we’d be on one of […]
The Ricochet Effect
We’ve all heard the saying that “wounded people wound people” and we’re typically best at identifying this behavior when a wounded person wounds us. It’s not so easy to identify when we’re the wounded doing the wounding. Right after Paul encouraged believers to have the same mind and attitude of Christ (Philippians 2:1-11), he calls […]
Don’t Waste Your Suffering
Some people allow their suffering, pain, hurts, or problems to produce paralysis and throw their life into neutral. Paul gives us a different outlook in Ephesians 3:1-2 where he says he is a prisoner “on behalf of you Gentiles”. He continued, “God’s grace was given to me for you”. Paul realized his suffering was beneficial […]