Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
Hope in Despair
We kicked off our new series yesterday “There’s An App for That” – Cyndie one of our vocalists shared her story after the message before the closing song about her hope in despair during a recent scary event in her life. If you don’t want to watch all of the music, the intro video, and […]
Theres An App For That
We kicked off our new series today at New Passion Church called “There’s An App for That.” During the series we will be exploring how the Bible has an app(lication) for some of the tough issues we deal with in life. Today we kicked off with “Hope in Distress.” Below is the schedule for the […]
I Consider Love as Wealth
I met today with George Robertson, the pastor of First Pres, where I work my day job. I asked him if he came across anything of value for a new, young pastor in his reading to feel free to recommend it to me. He immediately grabbed something from his desk and said he did have […]
Legalism at its Best
I try to take my Bible with me to lunch to get some bonus study time in for Sunday’s message since I am bi-vocational and only have so many hours in a day. I swear that book brings out all kinds of people, including the weirdos. Most of my encounters have happened at McDonald’s in […]
Church Planters Don’t Come In a Box
I haven’t joined the MAC cult as many of my friends have. I’m very curious about owning my own MAC, but my main decision to stay PC has been solely financial. One of the things that attracts me to the MAC is the out-of-the-box uniformity. With PC’s we have the good family members and then […]