Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
Authentic Community: Take Off the Mask
Sunday at New Passion was great! I got to preach half my message as Batman. Here was the opening thoughts to my message…We are less than a month away from Halloween. Halloween is the one time of the year where it is expected and celebrated to take a risk and be someone totally different than […]
Where Have All the Christians Gone?
I just read an article on Fox by Ben Feiler that was talking about the decline of Christianity in America. The article does not spend all of its time pointing out the downfall of Christianity in America, but also points out some of the solutions to the problem based on their study. Here are a […]
Embracing Faith Bigger Than Ourselves
One of the biggest steps of faith I’ve ever taken was to start New Passion Church. Since last November when I knew this was the leading of the Lord and that if I did not follow I’d be disobedient, I am continually reminded that this church and this whole movement of Christ known as the […]
Have Intimacy With God
On Sunday we continued with week #2 of our Rediscover Church series. We discussed how New Passion values “Having Intimacy with God” as individuals and as a church. We took an in-depth look at Religion and how when we go through religion to get to God, we always end up further from God than where […]
New Passion Launches
I’m a little late on this, but wanted to blog about New Passion’s launch last Sunday, September 13. I wanted to get a post up last week, but I am quickly finding out that serving in the role of “Bi-Vocational” pastor is not that time friendly, so we’ll see how it affects my blogging in […]