Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
Jon & Kate Plus 8: For Real or For Ratings?
The Jury is out and I want your opinion! I see all of this chatter on the internet about Jon and Kate Gosselin and their marriage situation. First of all, I don’t think anyone’s marital issues should be aired out over the internet, but since its out there, I figured I throw this poll together. […]
The American Idol Whiners Emerge
American Idol Season 8 is over and America decided that Kris Allen is their Idol. Congratulations America! Apparently, America’s vote is not good enough for some. America’s vote is good enough when it elects a President, but apparently when it comes to choosing a singer, opinions change. I turned on the radio this morning as […]
From Millions to Tens
Michael Vick was released from jail early this morning. He will serve the next two months in federal custody in home confinement. It has been reported and confirmed by Michael Vick’s agent that he has accepted a full time construction job that will pay him $10 per hour. Here is a man that was the […]
Ah, the Memories!
I’m headed to Waycross, GA this evening with the family for a weekend get away to visit some of my mom’s side of the family. We are going to celebrate yy Uncle Charles’ birthday. He is getting up in age and is the last of my Grandma’s siblings alive. My Grandma died in 1997 and […]
Nicki Carnes “Lifetime Mother of the Year!”
Happy Mother’s Day Nicki, you are the greatest mom our kids could ever ask for and an amazing wife to me! I love you! This video has been specially made just for you. Be sure to pay attention to the entire video, not just what they are saying, but what comes up on the screen, […]