Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
Mad Church Disease By Anne Jackson
This book, Mad Church Disease, would put Chuck Norris in a headlock, make him cry ‘Uncle’ 5 times before giving him a wet willy and sending him home with a bloody nose. Its for that very reason you will not enjoy this book. It is not written for your enjoyment, its written to kick your […]
Live Blogging PDYM the Conference Final Session
Live Blogging Final Session Doug Fields God has the leaders you just have to find them Who do you think cares more about your ministry? You or God? Don’t you think he has the shepherds ready to equip your ministry? There is a myth in the church that you have to be young and cool […]
Pictures from PDYM 2009
Here are a few pictures from PDYM 2009…more to come soon! [slideshow id=5]
Live Blogging PDYM the Conference Session 6
Live Blogging Session 6 Doug Fields: Discipleship 1. Discipleship cannot be reduced to programs and people Discipleship can be viewed as 50% Relational 50% Educational If student’s faith is married to a program or a person, when they are gone, their faith is gone 2. An “On Your Own” Discipleship philosophy is a top down […]
Live Blogging PDYM the Conference Session 5
Live Blogging Session 5 Doug Fields: Fellowship 1. Smaller is better when focusing on Fellowship (building relationships) Christ had a group of 12 but invested in 3 Figure out how to make “Large” Feel “Small” 2. Volunteer leaders are better than paid leaders. Paid leaders’ main focus should be to develop other volunteer youth workers, […]