Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
One in Fifty US Children Homeless
I saw this story today… One of every 50 American children experiences homelessness, according to a new report that says most states have inadequate plans to address the worsening and often-overlooked problem. The report being released Tuesday by the National Center on Family Homelessness gives Connecticut the best ranking. Texas is at the bottom. “These […]
The Official “You Need Jesus T-Shirt”
You better hurry! It was on sale at the Evans, Georgia Wal-Mart for $1 I almost bought it for myself, but it was a Large and I don’t want to live that nightmare again! I may regret passing it up, but hey, if one of my friends buys it, maybe I can read it…often.
Kingdom Day Right Around the Corner
PDYM Kingdom Day is right around the corner and will be here before you know it. Kingdom Day is a ONE day service project where the church comes together as ONE body to accomplish ONE purpose. The Church and Christians talk a lot…there is no doubt about that, but we are usually found absent when […]
Its Not Reality TV…Its Marketing TV
I’ve heard a lot of chatter this morning on Twitter and some blogs about the outrage that the judges on American Idol brough Tatiana Del Torro back onto the show. It was just a few days ago the chatter on Twitter and the blogs was about the outrage that Jason Mesnick was allowed to dump […]
Killing Cockroaches by Tony Morgan
If I could describe Killing Cockroaches by Tony Morgan in one sentence, it would look something like this. I would run a commercial and on one side I would have Tony Morgan and on the other I would have John Maxwell. Tony would start off by saying “Hello, I’m a Mac” John would follow “…and […]