Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
I believe Louis CK sums up this generation perfectly! The video is a portion of his interview on the Conan O’brien Show. Join the Conversation: What do you think?
Octo-Mom versus Grandma: Who’s Right?
Here is a portion of the video where Octo-mom, Nadya Suleman, gets into a heated argument with her mom, Angela from an interview on (Click to View Video). This is post is not an issues or argument about abortion or the killing and preservation of the embryos from Nadya. I want to focus on […]
Family Adventures at 4 a.m.
Usually you wake up from a nightmare. Last night, I woke up and walked right into one. I heard some scuffling in the hallway at 4 a.m. and that usually means that Tristan is awake and trying to covertly sneak into our bedroom to get into our bed. Last night, I think God woke me […]
Off the Blogs: This Thursday Night
This Thursday night, February 26th I have the opportunity to volunteer at the Off the Blogs event taking place after the One Day Catalyst Conference. Here’s the details: When: Thursday, Feb 26th – 7:30 PM OFF THE BLOGS is a night of conversation with three of the most influential bloggers in the ministry world, Jon […]
What Holds You Back?
I was at a church training event this past weekend. One of the pastors at the event gave a great morning devotion. He opened by talking about some of the things that hold him back from fully obeying God or fulfilling the call that God has placed on his life. One of the reasons he […]