Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
I always find myself taking things in life for granted, or overlooking how blessed I am because of minor issues that I allow to be bigger than what they really are. I think when we start looking at things in their proper perspectives, we are able to see the truth of how blessed and how […]
Hunting for Treasure
I’ve been hunting for treasure lately. It’s amazing how much I’ve already found, its only been small amounts here or there, but the amazing thing is…the more smaller ‘pots of gold’ that I find the the hungrier I get to find the big treasure chest! This is where I have been lately… My child, listen […]
New Blog Coming Soon!
I’ve spent the last week or so working with a couple of different blogs on the platform. I love it! Its complicated, but its fluid…meaning I have total control of my site. I love the challenge of playing with the code to customize the look and feel to the way I like it. I […]
Am I a Bad Parent?
Ok, I want you to be honest here today! I want you to answer the question, am I a bad parent? Of course it is impossible for you to tell if I am a bad parent based on this one situation, but you can answer, was this a bad parenting decision…or a good one? The […]
Conversations with a 2 Year Old
…about “Onalds” (Translated: McDonald’s) Everyday Nicki has to drive by McDonald’s to take Gavin to school…everyday Tristan begs to go to McDonald’s. McDonald is Tristan’s hero, he can be asleep and if we come within 3 miles of a McDonald’s his special radar goes off and he starts calling out for “Onald’s!!!” “Onald’s!!!” The typical […]