Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
Hilarious Video: Lil Markie Sings
A friend told me about this hilarious video and I thought it was way too good not to pass along to you, it gets good after about the 1:08 mark…enjoy! Join the Conversation: What do you think about Lil Markie?
The Refinery at Saddleback
One of the cool things that we got to do while in California was tour the Refinery; we also held our daily meetings there. Doug expressed his love/hate relationship with the building and I think every youth worker who has a solid focus on growing their students spiritually through relationships would agree with his premise, […]
Connecting Discipleship with Ministry
I am blogging at the PDYM Blog today. I will be posting once a week there now, so if you have any ideas for topics please let me know! Here is an excerpt of my article, head on over to the blog and join the conversation there, I would love to know your thoughts on […]
Bloggers 08 Gathering
I finally got to meet the famous Brad Ruggles. He assembled a Bloggers Meetup for the Catalyst attendees. I think I was the only one there who was not at Catalyst, but when you get this many bloggers from around the country assembled in one city, its a night that you cannot turn down. I’ve […]
Conversations with a 5 Year Old (Part 5)
…about his hearts sin condition. Straight from a 5 year old’s mind and heart to his lips. (This conversation took place at MeMaw’s house) Gavin: MeMaw! MeMaw: What Gavin? Gavin: (With hand placed over chest) I hate this sin in my heart MeMaW: You hate the sin in your heart? Gavin: Yes, how do I […]