Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
The Ronald Reagan Library
After my airline ticket was purchased for the Gathering my uncle moved from L.A. back to Atlanta, so I got stuck in California for a couple of extra days alone. My friend Tom suggested that I go check out the Reagan Library, so I did. Reagan was my President. He was in office from the […]
The Gathering in One Picture
The 2008 Gathering is over. I hate having to type those words. I think Doug tweeted it best, I wish we were all neighbors. Every year I make new friends and deepen my relationship with those who I am already connected with. My favorite part of these few days together is pictured above, sharing life […]
The Bowling gods Hate Me
Last night the PDYM State Mentors went to Lucky Strike Lanes for a little dinner and bowling. My Results: Game #1 3rd place 114 pts Game #2 4th place (I didn’t get serious until frame 6) 101 pts Doug Fields showed all the youth pastors how to do it with the high score of the […]
This is where I am this week…Yes, California! I am at Saddleback for the Gathering with Doug Fields and his team. There are so many Youth Ministry geniuses here, I am wondering why I am here. I may not be blogging a lot over the next couple of days because of this. But that’s ok, […]
Blogging: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
Today I had a pastor point out to me the dangers of blogging, especially when there is little to no context given behind certain posts. He brought to my attention a couple of posts I had written several months back and revealed to me a little bit about the attitude it seems I was portraying, […]