Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
The Birth of a Legend
I saw this on Terrace Crawford’s blog and grabbed it, I thought it was funny! Perfect for a long and busy week!
Politics and Blogging
I am not blogging today. I just don’t have it in me. There is a lot on my mind, but its a friday off. I am excited about Sarah Palin being selected as John McCain’s running mate. I think there is more excitement about her than there is for John McCain himself. Anyway, I am […]
The 3-D Plan to Eating Healthy (Part 2)
Yesterday I posted my first principle to what I believe is important to developing a lifestyle of healthier living and a healthier diet. Today, I would like to go beyond the desire that is needed to the second principle to developing a healthier lifestyle: Determination: I don’t say this to pat myself on the back, […]
The 3-D plan to eating healthy (Part 1)
As many of my readers and friends know, I have recently taken a journey to change my life. For the purpose of this post, I am calling it the “3-D Diet plan to eating healthy,” and losing weight. My story started about two years ago, but it has been less than a year that I […]
You probably only hear the word, vetted, every 4 years. Wikipedia’s definition is this: Broadly, vetting is a process of examination and evaluation. Specifically, vetting often refers to performing a background check on someone before offering them employment. In addition, in intelligence gathering, assets are vetted to determine their usefulness. On Saturday, as soon as […]