Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
Happy Birthday Tristan!!!
Happy Birthday to my little man, Tristan! He turns 2 today! We celebrated last night at Chuck E Cheese with a few family members and had a blast. Thankfully the rides Tristan enjoys weren’t the most popular…it was CRAZY! Tristan is a personality in himself. He totally demonstrates how two children can be so different. […]
Young Voters, Please Stop Playing!
I believe that everyone who has the priviledge to vote should. It is one of the greatest responsibilities we have in this country. This article is not a Pro-McCain or a Pro-Obama article, its purpose is not to sway voters to one camp or the other, however I do want to point some foolishness out […]
Influences (Part 2)
I’ve always told people that I feel God expects a lot out of me because I feel I have had so much invested in me. The Bible says, “To whom much is given, much is required.” I listed 7 leaders who have had influence in my life, either personally or from a distance in my […]
Conversations with a 5 Year Old
…about the rusty water from the toilet pipe. Straight from a 5 year old’s mind and heart to his lips. Just keeping it real, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes you get the sweet like HERE and then you get the… Gavin: “Daddy!!” Me: “What Gavin?” Gavin: “There’s brown water behind the toilet!” […]
Hailey and Daddy in 16 Years
This is me in 16 30 years when Hailey wants to date, except I will probably be holding a gun. Oh, the joys of having a daughter! [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1420891&w=425&h=350&fv=id%3D120707] Join the Conversation: Anyone with a daughter out there? What am I in for? Has anyone been “the daughter” what do I need to know to […]