Nick Carnes is the founding and lead pastor of Hope Church, in Augusta, GA. After three … Read More
Conversations with a 5 Year Old
…about new sister and Jesus. Gavin was in the bathtub at MeMaw’s house yesterday and here was their conversation (some of which is not exact word for word being that it was told to me, but was totally unaided and unprovoked…straight from a 5 year old’s brain & heart to his lips): Gavin: “We need […]
Round 3: Hailey Elizabeth Carnes (Flickr)
Here are some pictures from my sisters camera. It shows a pretty good picture of the hospital party that took place after Hailey’s birth. If you are familiar with gypsies, then you will know when one of them have a baby, the whole village floods the hospital…I don’t think we are any better. It feels […]
Round 2: Hailey Elizabeth Carnes
Well, I have been humbled! I give Hailey one post on my blog and she steals the show. I had my biggest blog day yesterday, ever, thanks to Miss Hailey and over half of the hits were direct (unique) hits to her post. A few hours old and she’s already a Blogstar – Maybe if […]
Hailey Elizabeth Carnes
Here are a few pictures of Haileys first minutes into her new world. Updated: She was born at 12:45 pm, weighing 7 pounds even and 20 inches in length. Other than being tired, Nicki is doing great…glad its over with! Thank you all for your congratulations and your prayers! They are all greatly appreciated […]
Hailey arrives today
Well, today is the day that we have been waiting on for the last 8 months (since we found out Nicki was pregnant); and the day we’ve been waiting on for almost 6 years. Our first two children were boys, Gavin and Tristan, who we love dearly, but Nicki has been wanting a little girl […]