Pastor this video is for you! (And anyone else who wants to watch it)
As I was watching it, my wife asked, “Why is he saying that to Youth Pastors, shouldn’t he be saying it to pastors?” – I agreed and now I am posting it hoping it gets in your hands. You need almost 9 minutes, but it is well worth your time! For Youth Pastors out there, you may be encouraged from this maybe a little validated in where your hearts are, your passions, and the methods and motivation by which you operate.
There are thousands of Youth Pastors who wish they could say some of these things to you or to their church. So here it is straight from Mike Yaconelli…
What are your thoughts? Join the conversation, I would love to know!
Hey nick…… great vid…. this message is not only for pastors but i take it in as a committed follower of Christ with no college education, no formal training, and not a really a deep deep knowledge of the bible….
so as a “crusty” christian i hear this as a call to all of us… I always love hearing a message about doing and not talking
I’m really lovin’ Yaconelli these days – wish I’d known of him when he was alive.
To reach out to the hurting…it would change the world.
@Billy – I Totally agree! There are just so many pastors I wish would see things like we do 🙂 – I laugh at the part where he says, “If your church does not have a rule that was made because of your youth ministry, then you’re not a decent youth worker!” because it was all my fault that you know who put up all those “No smoking on God”s property” signs because of the students we were attracting from the High School
@Michelle – I agree, I didn’t get a hold of his stuff until he had died as well.
What an awesome video. I can identify with what he says. I am a 49 year old Dad of 5 kids with only 2 of them left at home and those 2 are 18 and 16. My wife and I want to give the rest of our lives to Jesus but because we have no college degree I believe it will be very hard to find any church or ministry interested in our service. I pray that I am wrong.
This sounds just like my story. My first youth ministry at age 18 was a disaster. I’m just so happy they gave me a shot!!
@Pete – When I first got into Full Time ministry I went in thinking I knew more than I really did and got an early wake up call, I have a lot of bumps and bruises but have learned a lot 🙂
I wonder what would happen if every church put these bits of wisdom into practice. I think the elders, and deacons would be astonished. This generation of youth is the most unchurched ever. We really have got to break the barriers, break the rules to reach the lost and the hurting. We really gotta reach out.
Thanks for posting this Nick.
This was great…….
So true……..and so needed.
My husband and I were in youth ministry
Years ago and saw alot of this push back.
It was difficult but much needed and so rewarding.
One of my memories was taking a great group of kids to Washington DC to a Love Can Wait Conferance.
We have moved away but I have often wondered about those kids and how that impacted their lives.
Keep doing what you are doing! Many Blessings for you your Family and Ministry