After reading this article by Newsmax, I’m wondering if I should rethink my choice not to drink alcohol. Maybe this is why my alcoholic Grandpa (mom’s dad) was a womanizer?
Rather than damaging a man’s sexual performance, a good, stiff drink actually improves a man’s sexual prowess in the bedroom. Australian researchers found that men who drink report as many as 30 percent fewer problems than those who didn’t drink at all.
Dr. Kew-Kim Chew, of Western Australia’s Keogh Institute for Medical Research told London’s Sunday Telegraph that men who drank within safe, moderate guidelines seemed to have the best erectile function. In Chew’s study of 1,580 Australian men, even binge drinkers functioned better sexually than those who never drank.
“We found that, compared to those who have never touched alcohol, many people do benefit from some alcohol, including some people who drink outside the guidelines,” Chew said.
The study found that low risk drinkers (those who consumed up to twenty drinks a week spread over five days) had the fewest sexual problems. Those who drank on weekends only and those who were binge drinkers suffered lower rates of erectile dysfunction than those who drank only one day a week or drank none at all. Men who performed the poorest were heavy drinkers who had stopped drinking and those who smoked or had heart disease.
I think I’ll take my chances. I’ve seen Alcohol destroy too many lives in our family, so I’ll stick to the soft stuff, plus my wife would tell you I don’t need alcohol to…okay, I’ll just leave it there. 🙂 What’s your thoughts?
Glad to hear you don’t need any…help…in that area. 🙂