“Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Mark 10:21
A lady asked to talk to me in private after service today, that always leaves a pastor a 50-50 chance that we are about to receive bad news. Thankfully, it wasn’t bad news at all. She informed me that she wrote New Passion into her will and that she was leaving EVERYTHING to the church…of course when she dies…which we hope is a long time from now 🙂
I know, I know, this happens all the time to churches all over the place, but its never happened at New Passion, so I am celebrating what God is doing with our church (We’ve had people give us property and generous financial gifts, but not everything they own). Why is she giving everything to the church? She mentioned last week’s message, Setting Limits, where we talked about some issues that she said she has never, ever heard a pastor or a church talk about. Because she’s bought into our vision to lead people to a passionate relationship with Jesus. When we say people, we mean all people, and that’s what our Make War series has been all about. What’s the church’s role in issues like poverty, sex trafficking, human slavery, dirty water, illiteracy, malnutrition and other issues affecting people all around the world. She said she’s never been a part of a church that cares about people like New Passion does…so…way to go New Passion, keep loving people! It’s awesome to be a part of a church where people are willing to give what they have so the gospel of Jesus can be advanced!
keep preaching it nick…even greater things abound for the Kingdom because of your good work! blessings.
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