A Supermassive Bookgiveaway!!!
That’s what Anne Jackson, author of Mad Church Disease, is calling it on her blog.
Here’s the deal. If you tweet, blog, or facebook about the giveaway with this link (http://bit.ly/7L382T), and post a comment on her blog that you did so, you are entered to win at least 25 books. Yeah, Merry early Christmas to someone (I secretly hope its me) but the point of the contest is to spread the word (which is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot), so go tweet, blog, or facebook about the contest (remember to include the link) and then go tell her you did it, so you’ll be entered to win. The contest closes on 12/30/2009.
I shouldn’t tell you this part either, but if you do it multiple times, you’ll be entered multiple times, therefore increasing your odds of winning. So go win some books, or don’t 🙂
karma baby.
.-= anne jackson´s last blog ..Supermassive Bookgiveaway =-.