…about “Onalds” (Translated: McDonald’s) Everyday Nicki has to drive by McDonald’s to take Gavin to school…everyday Tristan begs to go to McDonald’s. McDonald is Tristan’s hero, he can be asleep and if we come within 3 miles of a McDonald’s his special radar goes off and he starts calling out for “Onald’s!!!” “Onald’s!!!” The typical […]
Conversations with a 5 Year Old (Part 5)
…about his hearts sin condition. Straight from a 5 year old’s mind and heart to his lips. (This conversation took place at MeMaw’s house) Gavin: MeMaw! MeMaw: What Gavin? Gavin: (With hand placed over chest) I hate this sin in my heart MeMaW: You hate the sin in your heart? Gavin: Yes, how do I […]
To Shoot or Not To Shoot
…That is the question and your opinion matters: Our back screened in porch has been overtaken by Raccoons. We moved into a rental house from my aunt and inherited her cat, a pet door to the porch, and the big container of food that my aunt or her husband comes and fills up for that […]
We should have bought one of these 6 weeks ago: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVUnX7jNrQA] Yeah watching a baby sleep in a swing is not that exciting, but when you have a baby who has colic, it is heaven on earth!!! Hailey has not fully adjusted to the swing, but she is getting there, we’ve only had it for […]
Conversations With a 5 Year Old
This is a special “Conversation With a 5 year Old” post. These are conversations straight from a 5 year olds heart and brain to his lips. Many times Gavin surprises us with his wisdom and knowledge and other times he melts our hearts with his his child-like innocence and purity, and then there are the […]