Hey New Passion Church and our friends who jumped in with us to help out Cross Point Church with their flood relief efforts! I just want to express how thankful I am to you all for caring enough for other people that you would sacrifice your time and money to send a van full of supplies and a financial gift to a church you may never visit and to a people you may never meet.
That’s what real love is all about.
The Good Samaritan helped a complete stranger who was overlooked by everyone else when he needed serious help. We love helping those who we know, but I believe it is an even stronger reflection of Jesus when we are just as willing to help those we don’t know, and at that, just like the Good Samaritan, go above and beyond just helping.
I really hoped that we could have done more to help in this situation. The news ran a story, the Christian radio even promoted what we were doing, yet the response came down to our church and a few of our friends, so thank you!
Here is what you did by the numbers:
- $1,700 Financial Gift – This is huge! This was raised in less than a week and it is equivalent to half of our monthly income as a church (our monthly rent at the school for 4-weeks is $1,740)
- 35+ Cases of Water
- 3 Wheelbarrows
- 8 Bottles of Bleach
- 15 Pairs of Gloves
- 48 Rolls of Toilet Paper
- 7 Plastic Containers
- A bunch of Cleaning Supplies (Sponges, Buckets, Etc.)
- 3 Utility Knives with Replacement Blades
- 2 Crowbars
- 2 Flashlights
- And a bunch of random items to help
Not too shabby for a church that turned 9 months old this past Sunday and who runs an average of 80-85 people, half of which are children.
Pete Wilson, lead pastor of Cross Point, sent me this message: “Dude!!!!!! I was blown away by the financial gift you guys gave. Holy cow that was generous. Thanks so much Nick. Your church is amazing!!”
Ryan Bult, Missions Director of Cross Point, was very grateful for everything you all did, he expressed it many times to Billy and me personally.
Everyone who we talked to who is in the middle of this crisis and are trying to put their lives back together again expressed their gratitude for your sacrifice and gratitude for them. Your love for them was evident in our being present and delivering the items you donated.
This crisis is not over! We will continue to partner with Cross Point in the future. Billy and I are discussing our best approach, so stay tuned as we reveal the next phase of our Nashville Flood Relief Effort. We’ll also talk more about this Sunday!
Thank you all…I’m proud of you all!
Can’t thank you guys enough for partnering with us to make a difference. You guys are awesome!!
.-= pete wilson´s last blog ..Measuring Growth =-.
It’s no problem Pete! That’s what you do for the family!