The Final Countdown has started. In approximately 24 hours
Hailey Elizabeth Carnes will arrive!
Nicki is scheduled to be at the hospital at 10:00 am tomorrow and the surgery is scheduled at 12:30 pm, so Hailey should be here around 1:00 pm (weird time for a c-section). We would appreciate your prayers for a safe delivery and for a healthy baby and mom. (Of course you can add that she is beautiful as well…and smart…and whole (meaning she has all of her normal body parts and functions) if you want) 🙂
Nicki and I are going to celebrate one last evening without a crying, poopy baby with dinner and most likely Batman the Dark Knight (if we can get a ticket) since the boys will be with their MeMaw.
Christianity is evil according to Al Gore and the Green movement.
The green movement is based on Gaia the pagan earth goddess.
That is why McGuinty tried to remove the Lord’s prayer from the Ont. legislature. It is also the reason for the attempt to remove God from the national anthem.
One world govt. requires a one world religion.
The churches have been led to believe the green movement is godly, it’s exactly the opposite.
Canadians need to wake up and wake up fast.
Please read The Green Agenda found on the page bar of my blog.
It is the best I have found on the subject.
Read the words of the men that would rule the world and remove the Christian faith.
Please-read The Green Agenda.
Enjoy your day-very interesting times ahead
If you are involved in the church I would like to be in touch.
Nick, I’m praying for your family buddy. Enjoy your evening, the last night we were without new little one my wife and I ate at Conner’s (great steaks) and watched the Sex in the City Movie, it just so happened to have been our 1 year anniversary. Live it up tonight!!!
make sure you post pictures! we’ll be praying!
yeah! can’t wait to hear all the details. Enjoy your last night…
Can’t wait to see her (in pictures at least)! Praying for you guys!