Our culture seems to pride itself on demanding a burden of proof for everything. If you’ve ever had a discussion about the Bible or Jesus with anyone, chances are, you’ve had a discussion with someone requesting evidence or facts for your beliefs.
I guess that’s why Josh McDowell has produced The Evidence that Demands a Verdict Volume 1, The Evidence that Demands a Verdict Volume 2, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict Fully Updated, and on and on and on….
So, why is it any different with Global Warming? Because, right now, I’d like to believe its true. Those of us who live in the south and do not have the wardrobes of those who live in the North, can’t deal with this Northern weather for too much longer! But seriously, if I were examining the claims of those who believe in Global Warming to decide whether it was an idea that I wanted to embrace, would there be enough evidence to back up their claims? Right now, I’d have to say, No! In fact, the Earth cannot be substantially warming at an alarming and life threatening rate, and produce the kind of COLD weather that we are dealing with. I think those who say we are only experiencing a weather cycle, would appear to be more accurate. After all, the Godfather of Global Warming, Al Gore, has been seriously proven wrong in recent months, first Gore had to admit that he made up the claim that the arctic polar-caps would be ice free in 5 years, earlier he was proven wrong that Polar Bears are in fact not facing extinction, but instead their population has increased. Now AccuWeather, is saying this could be the worst winter in 25 years!
I like Billy’s Tweet the other day: “Thank God for global warming, it would really be cold if it wasn’t true”
Here’s a little video from MSNBC to show what’s been happening with the weather lately in the United States, I love the little golf cart car they show at the end of the video, the very product of the global warming debate to save the Earth, funny 😆
Join the Conversation: What’s the Weather Like In Your Area of the Country?
So right now I am sitting in a cold office (we’re trying to save utility bill money @ the church house) and just saw a post my sister made (she lives pretty close to me) that said “the snow is here yay!” So to answer the question…YES it’s cold here, on the north side of the ATL. I hope we get lots of snow this winter. It’ll be fun to play in.
.-= Joey Faulk´s last blog ..The Light Exists in the Lamp =-.
I live in southern Missouri and today we are to get our 3rd or 4th snow of winter. I haven’t seen it like this in my short 31 years.
.-= David Knapp´s last blog ..Tim Tebow and Freedom of Speech =-.