Last night I was driving back from the Bloggers Meet-up in Atlanta with Billy, when I had a typical thought that comes to my mind as I drive through Atlanta.
“I’ve never been to Atlanta when they have not been doing some type of road construction” – Or at least that I can remember!
If you’ve ever been stuck in rush hour traffic in Atlanta, you would understand why they are continually having to improve the roads, expand them, and create new paths to help get people where they are going.
It made me think, which is not always a good thing, but I believe this time it was safe. Shouldn’t that be how we are as Christ Followers? Always under construction? Always growing and expanding. Always improving. Always finding ways to be more effective in what we are called to do in our faith journey?
I love the verse 1 Peter 2:2
“Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation…”
“…so that you will grow into…”
A clear indication that we are not all where Christ wants us to be. At salvation we are given a totally brand new life, but that does not mean every habit, every sin, and every struggle will magically disappear. Becoming like Christ is a process…it takes time. Don’t get frustrated when you realize that you still have a ways to go.
Join the Conversation…What is an area that you’ve seen God working on in your life lately?
I like what you said, how christian should always be trying to shape and model there selves after christ.
your thinking, in my experience, has always led to good stuff…this included. keep it comin’
.-= tom´s last blog ..16 gals of ice cream +22 pies=FUN =-.