Unleash 2010 Main Session 1
Joshua 5
Session Notes:
Many times God takes leaders to a cliff and tells them to jump. If we don’t jump another generation will.
Leaders have to learn to jump.
If someone is going to jump, it should be the church. We should set the example. Problem is churches have forgotten how to jump!
4 Factors:
1. Desperation Factor
Joshua was given the task of circumcising all the men, with a flint knife, and no medicine to numb the pain.
Gen 34: Three men were able to kill an entire village because the men were in pain…
God brought Joshua and his followers to a place where they were completely vulnerable and exposed to their enemy.
He was bringing them to a place where they were marked men, but they would be desperate for Him.
When is the last time we were desperate for God (as leaders)?
Church leaders want safe and predictable.
Church Planter: You WILL be tested financially within your first year of your church plant
God will test you financially. If you are following God you will always have your back up against the wall financially.
Business people in your church want everything to make sense financially, but our God leads us to uncomfortable places.
2. The Sacrifice Factor
Every Israelite man loved the idea of progress…
Everyone loves the idea of progress, but they have a problem with the sacrifice requirements.
Two Things We Have to Sacrifice:
1. Sacrifice Comforts
Satan is rubbing some leaders’ feet…you are comfortable where you are at…he’s rubbing your feet, setting you up for a fall…all because we want to be comfortable.
- Giving up personal preferences
- We are more interested in attendance than repentance
Random Note: Perry preaches about masturbation. Some pastors say they only preach about the “Holiness of God” – Perry, “You can’t get to the holiness of God, masturbating, that’s why we preach about it!”
- The church has to be comfortable with the lost (coming to our church) and acting like their lost
- Blended Worship is where we try to make everyone happy and no one enjoys it.
2. Sacrifice Conformity
- There are too many churches trying to conform to what a a denomination dictates to them rather than what God desires of them
- Missional is a buzz word that will not be around in 5 years, if you are the church, you should be Missional.
3. The Recognition Factor
- Some of our problems in the church world is that we no longer recognize JESUS
- No man is the most powerful person in your church….Jesus is the most powerful person in the church
4. The Strategy Factor
- One size fits all is a lie.
- Churches want a one size fits all strategy
- Some strategies work for some churches while they do not work for others
- One size fits all…Listen to God, Do What He Says. That strategy will work for anyone!
- Joshua 5 – Jericho strategy was the only time God used this strategy
- We need to be more dependent on the Supernatural rather than strategy
- Vision comes before Strategy not Strategy before Vision
- People want to get back to Acts 2. That was the foundation, why get back to where Jesus started?
- If you can fully explain what’s happening in your church, Jesus probably is not involved
- If we would be on fire for the ONE who called us, there is way more that he wants to offer us, way more than we have already seen
- Jesus didn’t die so we could do church our way, He died so we could do church His way
I wish I knew about this earlier but thanks you for posting these notes and twittering! I got blessed just reading these notes!