Unleash 2010 Main Session 2
Session Notes
Acts 14:8-
The best thing a church can do is make sure their senior pastor is healthy
Be careful for the crowd….those who deify will crucify. (My Note: Wow!!!)
The problem with a lot of pastors is that we will not admit our humanity
vs 19 – The people stoned Paul…not Barnabas or anyone else. Paul, the Leader. The main guy…that’s it.
3 Words:
1. Awareness –
Many times we make mistakes because we are unaware.
- Some people’s thoughts is that they do as much as the Senior Pastor and they carry the same load.
(Its not that they are trying to be mean…they are just UNAWARE)
(When Satan wants to stop a movement he always goes after the leader) - 3 Rocks Pastors Need to Be Aware Of –
- Rock of Distractions – Distractions will come our way.
Pastor, do not get distracted with things outside of Jesus- Don’t get distracted by false agendas
- Don’t get distracted by yourself
- Don’t get distracted by Pride
If God is using us, its because we were barren, and God changed our lives, we did nothing ourselves.
- Rock of Deception –
- The deception that the Pastor has to do everything
- The Bible calls those who do not work, lazy; It calls the one who will not rest, disobedient
- Pastor – Do you have a date night with your wife? Without the kids? Without the cell phone?
- Pastor, if this world can’t live without you for an hour…it’s in trouble!
- Pastor, your kids need you!
- Pastor, your marriage is the most important marriage in the church. It’s got to remain strong.
- The Rock of Discouragement –
- Listen to your coaches, not your critics
2. Unity –
- Pastor – Be a man worth rallying around
How to be a man worth rallying around:
- Lead with Integrity (Be real – Be Sexually Pure – ETC.)
- Get Big Vision from God (You want great leaders? Have a great vision)
- Listen to your staff (Ask your staff: What do you think?)
Your leaders will have a solution, your robots will wait until they are told what to do.
Pastor, make sure your leaders are resourced, and get out of their way. - Keep short accounts – Don’t be bitter at people.
- Make expectations clear – You can’t keep people accountable to an unspoken rule or expectation.
- Honor your leader’s time
3. Passion –
- The average pastor is the SBC is 22 months.
- Churches are unhealthy because there are men of God who are unwilling to stand when the rocks are thrown.
- If you can’t support the vision of the pastor, get off his team. If he is disobeying God…God will cut him down, not you.
- When a man of God has a supportive team or staff gathered around him, he can get back up when the stones are thrown.
- If a staff will rally around the pastor, no rock thrower is a match for them.
- Pastor, who do you have standing around you?
Thanks for sharing these notes!
.-= Tony McCollum´s last blog ..When You’re Running on Fumes =-.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU MY BROTHA for posting these notes!!