Tony Morgan just announced on his blog that the Unleash Conference website went live today.
Here’s what you will find on the site:
- Video of the 2008 main sessions.
- Video of last year’s main sessions.
- Notes from all the breakout sessions.
- Photography goodness.
- The ability to Twitter and Flickr to your heart’s content.
- Info about next year’s conference.
I’ve been to the site and it looks awesome! I spoke with Pastor Steve Anderson earlier and he said it was a little too liberal for him, he was quoted as saying, “Perry Noble is not wearing a tie on the sites header image, Lee is playing a rock, electric guitar, and they used the NIV during the sessions.” He also said, “I am sure they used a video game or a Bon Jovi song somewhere in there as well!” 🙂 Oh, well I guess you’ll have to visit the site to form your own opinion…I think it is awesome!!! Props to Joshua.
I watched a few of Pastor Steve Anderson’s videos, especially the great KJV only v.s. the NIV. I wonder if he is free to speak at the next unleashed conference?
I think he’s booked…He said something about having to spend the entire day stroking his own ego. Maybe in 2010?