Velocity 2010 Church Planter’s Conference
Breakout #2 Speaker: Pete Wilson (Twitter)
“Everyone’s Welcome, Nobody’s Perfect, Anything is Possible”
Churches Desiring Transformational Community –
Studies Show:
- One thing that separates happy people from unhappy people is the simple idea of being connected in community.
- The level of satisfaction in churches is determined by the level of community experienced.
Someone said…”I’ve never known anyone who has failed to love & succeeded at life.”
Genesis 2:18 “It is not good for man to be alone.”
You were created with the capacity for deep relationships
Develop a Philosophy of community before you develop a Strategy of community.
(What is the Heart behind the strategy?)
*Your Church MUST understand that Everybody is Welcome.
Luke 15:2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
* Has your church created environments where people can belong before they believe?
Some Church Models = Believe, Belong, Behave
Church Models adapting to Current Culture = Behave, Belong, Believe
(It may be that people enter your church by participating in a church service event for the community rather than through the Sunday morning Worship Service)
Your Church Must Accept that Nobody is Perfect.
The sins you find the most appalling to God are the ones you don’t struggle with.
Your Church Must Believe Anything is Possible.
It’s the church’s job to create environments where we help people discover their new name.
Secular businesses & organizations understand that “Everyone is Welcome” and that “Nobody is Perfect” – There is nothing overtly “Christian” about that. The church has to believe in addition that “Anything is Possible!”
If our churches are a true “Just As I Am Churches” – We would not be able to put out enough chairs for the people who would come and we could not plant enough churches.
Velocity Conference: Main Session 1 Highlights – – Main Session 2 Highlights – – Main Session 3 Highlights – – Main Session 4 Highlights – – Breakout Session 3 with Tony Morgan Highlights – – Main Session 6 Highlights
nick, thanks for this rundown of pete’s breakout! hate i couldn’t tag along but love that you “brought it to me.” and man he sounds like he delivered! 🙂
hope you’re well and tell nicki hello!
.-= brandiandboys´s last blog ..One Thing… =-.
Great to catch up with you Nick. Praying for you and New Passion.
.-= pete wilson´s last blog ..Do Cats Go To Hell? =-.
Thanks for the prayers Pete!