American View: The Bible is not totally accurate in all that it teaches. (34%)
Bible View: All Scripture is from God and therefore is true and reliable. (2 Tim. 3:16)
American View: All religious faiths teach equally valid truths. (40%)
Bible View: Accepting Jesus is the only way to receive salvation. (John 14:6)
American View: All people pray to the same god or spirit, no matter what name they use for that spiritual being. (53%)
Bible View: There is only one God who can justify people. (Rom. 3:30)
American View: Satan is not a living being but is a symbol of evil. (60%)
Bible View: Satan is real, powerful, and evil. (1 Peter 5:8)
American View: If a person is generally good or does enough good things for others during their life, they will earn a place in heaven (55%)
Bible View: No one is righteous in God’s eyes; salvation is by grace alone. (Rom. 3:10; Matt. 19:16-30; Acts 4:12)
American View: When he lived on earth, Jesus Christ committed sins. (44%)
Bible View: Jesus is divine; He never committed sin, although He bore all the sins of humankind. (2 Cor. 5:21)
American View: The Holy Spirit is not a living entity but just a symbol of God’s power or presence. (61%)
Bible View: The Spirit dwells within the hearts of all true believers. (2 Cor. 1:22)
American View: After He was crucified, Jesus Christ did not return to life physically. (40%)
Bible View: He was resurrected, spent time with His followers, then returned to heaven. (Acts 1:1-9; John 20-21)
American View: Whatever works in your life is the only truth you can know. (32%)
Bible View: God’s truth is made clear through the Bible and the Holy Spirit. (John 8:32; Heb. 4:12; 1 Cor. 2:10-16)
American View: There are some sins that not even God can forgive. (34%)
Bible View: God can forgive any sin if we truly repent. (1 John 1:9)
Amazingly…going back to the first statistic…82% of Americans believe that “God helps those who help themselves” is a direct quote from the Bible. It’s not even a Scripture, it was a quote penned by Thomas Jefferson! And as Barna points out, it perfectly summerizes America’s theology.
These are just 17 areas polled. I am sure there are thousands that could be reviewed in the theology of America versus the theology of the Bible. Sadly, the theology of America has affected the theology tought in churches. The percentages given are for ALL of America, therefore the numbers reflect those who sit in a seat at some church on Sunday as well.
These are just 17 more reasons God is planting New Passion Church in Grovetown!
You should check out Ed Stetzer’s stuff. He’s a Lifeway research guy. He does all kinds of research.
You may be able to find some stuff in there that is intriguing.
Get it done in the Kingdom bro!
~ Joey
Good to see your writing so much Nick. We’d love for you to submit another article to Small Group Exchange if you have time. Keep it up!
Great post man. Its amazing how “christian” our country still is. I think that maybe America is just waiting for us to start living what we believe so they know who to follow, and where.
.-= @b_rewster´s last blog ..Thank You. =-.
Well said nick, America needs to WAKE UP. Turn back to God before he takes is HOLY HANDS of this country. And lets the emeny attack. God hear are passionate( let us be aware of your presence-your children)prayers. God forgive us of are unrightousness.