I just read an article on Fox by Ben Feiler that was talking about the decline of Christianity in America. The article does not spend all of its time pointing out the downfall of Christianity in America, but also points out some of the solutions to the problem based on their study. Here are a few of the issues or wake-up calls that arose from the study:
First, catering to older believers is a recipe for failure; younger Americans are tuning out.
Second, Americans are interested in God, but they don’t think existing institutions are helping them draw closer to God.
Finally, Americans’ interest in religion has not always been stable. It dipped following the Revolution and again following Civil War. In both cases it rebounded because religious institutions adapted and found new ways of relating to everyday Americans.
Go read the entire article HERE and then come back and Join the Conversation.
What do you see as the biggest decline in the church? Where is the biggest disconnect between the church & everyday Americans?
What’s the solution?
That’s interesting. This quote from the article stuck out to me:
“The growth of non-believers has come largely from men. Twenty percent of men express no religious affiliation; 12% of women.”
We began a men’s Bible Study this past week. We said “manhood is in a state of confusion. Confused men create major problems. Confused men settle for less.”
The biggest decline in our churches is men not taking leadership. If we would take a look at our church structure, and ask what we can do to better connect the men of our communities; The answers to these types of questions would help us find men a place to connect with God in the context of a healthy church. We would then find these numbers in this article to be different.
God designed men to lead (not that ladies can’t in certain arenas). So we should clear the confusion and do just that. That’s not the only issue of decline, but it would help if we addressed it more.
In recent years in churches I have visited, I have to ask the question “What year is it here?” The answer to this question will begin to explain much of the disconnect with everyday Americans. The fact is, America is moving forward everyday at a high rate of speed, and inside the walls of some churches it might as well be 1965 with a computer/projector. We must ask how to connect with our changing culture with a message that has been the same for 2000 years. “The Son of Man (Jesus) came to seek and save what was lost.” Lk 19:10
We must continue to be adaptable, or we may begin to look like many of the relic churches in Europe.
Part of the solution is in our own personal leadership. We should not just ask people to come to church, but to speak to them about Jesus. “Church” is a safe word. Jesus is a person. We need to communicate that we’re not asking people to come to a building on Sunday, but to be a part of our lives and helping to accomplish the great commission.
I certainly don’t have all the answers. Intriguing article.
.-= Joey Faulk´s last blog ..Flood 2009 =-.
Definitely intriguing and I but wish that I had the answers.
But here are a few thoughts:
– We know God is real, vital, powerful and full of impact. Since our churches are declining I can’t help but question if it’s because we’re into religion instead of God. I’ve been really trying lately to be more relational in my life (I’m naturally on the more shy/reserved side) and just be friendly. I’ve been looking for opportunities to invite people into my life and home; for an example, just recently we had some work done on our home and invited all the guys who did the work, plus their wives/girlfriends plus kids to our home for a thank you BBQ. Since our faith is a part of our life, little things come up here and there. Somehow I think that since God is real in our lives, if we connect with others in intimate ways, they will sense His reality and be drawn to Him in us.
-I think Joey Faulk is onto something here. Frequently in churches we’ve made Christianity about being nice; as the mom of 3 sons I know that “nice” doesn’t attract males, my sons frequently joke about what “beasts” they are. I also know that if a man is really a follower of Jesus and a lover of his wife and family, typically the wife will follow. So if we can teach our young men how to express their masculinity and be leaders, they can lead others and their future family’s to God.
– Some of the decline is also simply about a culture that is into self gratification so yes, their intellect will admit there is a God, but they want to make up how God is to suit them.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Ever heard of the FFRF? =-.
Whoa, I about was fixing to hog your comments, so I’ll cut this short. Typical gaps such as brought on by age and/or gender I don’t think are the main issue, but are symptons of a larger problem.
I think 21st century church in many ways has lost its focus. Just a quick read of the 200 or so comments on that article, and count how many times Christ is mentioned, as contrasted with something else. If the same is going on in churches… and folks come to church for corporate worship and edification, and then find Christ is overshadowed by peripheral issues, well, its pretty unlikely they will return.
The solution? well thats tough. Folks inside dont see that they are doing anything wrong. Their pet issue may well be scripturally based, perhaps even Jesus talked of it, thus they can feel they are doing just fine, even if Jesus sort of gets left out. Folks outside have yet to experience massive yearning for corporate prayer, worship, and edification, or perhaps due to prior experience can’t justify the negatives over the positives. I think once they get beyond such, and really experience a yearning for church, they will move mountains to make it happen.
.-= Ron Amundson´s last blog ..Have you found Jesus? I didn’t know he was missing…. =-.
It seems that in every generation, the older people are put aside. It’s really sad to hear the interview say that it’s the older peoples fault and they shouldn’t be catered to. Kinda makes me lose hope.
@Ron – How do you feel about the churches that put all of their finances in ministries for the older generation while continuously telling their children’s ministries and their student ministries that they don’t have the money for camps, for retreats, for outreach events, etc.?
I’m not placing one area or one segment of people above another, but doesn’t there have to be a balance? 37% of my parent’s generation claims to be Evangelical Christians while only 4% of Middle and High School students. I personally think that is sad, but I don’t lose hope, that’s why we have to do something to reach out to them.
Nick –
You ask,
“What do you see as the biggest decline in the church?”
It seems the article is not saying the christians are going away,
Or belief in God is declining. The term non-believer is used
to describe those who have no interest in “organized religion.”
“But these non-believers are not particularly atheist. That number hasn’t budged and stands at less than 1 percent. (Agnostics are similarly less than 1 percent.) Instead, these individuals have a belief in God but no interest in organized religion, or they believe in a personal God but not in a formal faith tradition.”
“The Church of God,” “The ekklesia of God,” “The called out one’s of God,”
are doing just fine. No decline in “Jesus is the head of the body, the Church.”
Aren’t they rejecting “The Religious System” where man is in charge?
You ask,
“Where is the biggest disconnect between the church & everyday Americans?”
Hmmm? A simple word, church?
What do most everyday Americans understand
the word “church” to mean?
Building with a steeple?
Is that in the Bible?
Pastor in a pulpit preaching to people in pews?
Is that in the Bible?
That’s what the world thinks,
the everyday Americans, isn’t it?
Isn’t that what the so called “local church”
has accomplished with four buildings on
four corners in a lot of “local towns?”
Haven’t we deceived the people
we’re supposed to be reaching out to?
How many will know that “The Church of God?”
The ekklesia of God? The called out one’s of God?
Are the habitation of God? Where He dwells?
The redeemed of the Lord? By His blood.
The body of Christ? Purchased with His blood.
The Israel of God?
And Jesus is the head of the body the church?
Does God dwell in buildings made with
the hands of men? Or does He dwell in us?
Did Jesus shed His blood for;
a building, a denomination,
an institution, an organization, a corporation?
Should we call a corporation, The Church?
Will everyday Americans know that “The Church of God?”
Are kings and priests unto God?
The bride of Christ?
The servants of Christ?
The sons of God?
Led by the spirit? Or led by man?
Disciples of Christ?
Learners and students of Christ?
Ambassadors for Christ?
How many will know, in the Bible,
no one ever went to church?
How many will know, in the Bible,
you become “the Church?”
And hear His voice? And follow Him?
Out of heaven he made thee to hear his voice,
that he might instruct thee.
Deuteronomy 4:36
Why not ask someone to become ‘The Church?”
Isn’t “The Church” people and not an institution?
Church? Hmmm?
I will build my church
the Lord added to the church
great fear came upon all the church
great persecution against the church
Saul, he made havock of the church,
entering into every house
they assembled themselves with the church
Herod the king stretched forth his hands
to vex certain of the church
and had gathered the church together
And being brought on their way by the church
they were received of the church
set them to judge who are least esteemed
in the church. Hmmm? Must be a misprint?
If therefore the whole church
be come together into one place
Christ is the head of the church
Christ also loved the church,
and gave himself for it
feed the church of God,
which he hath purchased
with his own blood
gave him to be the head
over all things to the church
the church is subject unto Christ
he is the head of the body, the church
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice;
and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
John 10:16
One Fold – One Shepherd – One Voice.
If Not Now, When?
In His Service. By His Grace
@A. Amos – My post was based on the article written, I posed the question for thought. I really wish I had the time to answer your questions line by line but I do not, and honestly, I couldn’t because I don’t have the full context of foundation from which the surveys and the article was written. I appreciate your questions, but my questions were for the input of others based on the issues found by the article.