Last Saturday we had a yard sale where Gavin got rid of a bunch of toys and stuff he wasn’t using. Nicki and I were able to get rid of some stuff as well to make room for Hailey. We decided to use the money we made to buy the family a Nintendo Wii. Its something we can all play as a family, its fun and active, and its something Gavin can play, whereas he could not really get all of the functions of my old XBOX 360 down or the old XBOX with its oversized controllers. Here is video of Gavin’s first experience boxing…watch out he’s pretty fast!
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Love the Wii. My wife and I have had some competitive tennis matches on there. Unfortunately video tennis does not translate to the court and she still trounces me on a regular basis.
Thanks for the comment and encouragement on my Ragamuffin challenge.
Other than harass @giantidiot, who has the time? Maybe I need to make the time. I hear the Harley calling!
@Giant Idiot, thanks for stopping by!
@Polly, Georgia’s a lovely place to visit this time of the year, we only have like 100% humidity! 🙂
That is cool. We bought our girls a Wii at christmas and it has brought hours of family entertainment. Shamefully, my 4 year old kicks my tail in boxing all the time. My 12 year old have heated Tennis Matches all the time as well. The worst is waking up the next morning sore from gaming.
@Pat – Thanks for stopping by and commenting. We still have to get an extra controller to do the boxing, right now we switch off with the one it came with for bowling. Gavin almost beat me in that as well.